c ?
Cornell University
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CIRCA 1675.
Printed by T. Wilson.
[TRACT SERIES, No. 4] . j^
CIRCA 1675.
Printed by T. Wilson.
U Is'
Patrons :
*The Right Hon. the Lord Muncaster, M.P., Lord Lieutenant of Cumber-
*The Right Hon. the Lord Hothfield, Lord Lieu^tenant of Westmorland.
* The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Carlisle.
President &> Editor :
*The Worshipful Chancellor Ferguson, m.a., ll.m., f.s.a.
Vice-Presidents :
*The Right Rev. the Bishop of Barrow-in-Furness.
JamiSS Atkinson, Esq.
*E. B. W. Balme, Esq.
The Earl of Bective, M.F.
* W. Browne, Esq.
* James Cropper, Esq.
*The Dean of Carlisle.
* H. F. Curwen, Esq.
*RoBT. Ferguson, Esq. F.S.A.
* The Earl of Carlisle.
*W. Jackson, Esq., F.S.A.
*G. J. Johnson, Esq.
*HoN. W. Lowther, M.P.
*H. P. Senhouse, Esq.
* M. W, Taylor, Esq.''m.D., F.S.A-
Elected Members of Council :
W. B. Arnison, Esq., Penrith.
Rev. R. Bower, Carlisle.
Rev. W. S. Calverley, F.S.A., Aspatria
J. F.Crosthwaite, Esq., F.S.A., Keswick
H. SwAiNsoN CowPEP, Esq., F.S.A.
C. J. Ferguson, Esq., F.S.A., Carlisle.
T. F. 1'Anson, Esq.,M.l).,Whitehaven.
Rev. Thomas Lees, F.S.A., Wreay.
Rev. Canon Matthews, Appleby.
Alfred Peile, Esq., Workington.
Rev. Hy. Whitehead, Newton Reigny.
Robert J. Whitwell, Esq., Kendal.
A nditors :
James G. Candy, Esq., Heaves | Frank Wilson, Esq., Kendal.
Treasurer :
W. D. Crewdson, Esq., Helme Lodge, Kendal.
Secretary :
*Mr. T. WILSON, Aynam Lodge, Kendal.
N.B. — The members of the Council and the Officers where names arc marked
with an *, form a Committee for carrying out the provisions of the Act for the
Protection of Ancient Monuments.
^ubitcattons of i)jt €nmbttianh anh Wustmorlanb
Anttquartan anti ^rcInt*olagtcal .^ad^tij.
£ s. d.
Vol. I. (out of print)
Vol. II. (out of print)
Vol. III., Parts I. and II. o lo 6 each.
Vol. IV., Parts I. and II o lo 6 each.
Vol. v., (out of print) •
Vol. VI., Parts I. and II. o lo 6 each.
Vol. VII., complete in one part o lo 6
Vol. VIII., Parts I. and II o lo 6 each.
Vol. IX., Parts I. and II o lo 6 each.
Vol. X., complete in one part o lo 6
Index to the first seven Volumes .... o i o
Chancellor Ferguson, F.S.A. Messrs. C. Thurnam & vSons, English
Street, Carlisle. Price 12/6.
CASTLE, by the late Rev. William Gilpin, Vicar of Boldre, with
the Autobiography of the Author. Edited with Notes and Pedigree
by W. Jackson, F.S.A. Messrs. C. Thurnam & Sons, English Street,
Carlisle. Price 10/6.
OF CARLISLE. Edited by Chancellor Ferguson, F.S.A.
Messrs. Thurnam & Sons, English Street, Carlisle. Price 15/6.
CARLISLE. Edited by Chancellor Ferguson, F.S.A. ; and
W. Nanson, B.A., F.S.A. Messrs. C. Thurnam & Sons, English
Street, Carlisle. Price 15/-.
Edited by Sir George Duckett, F.S.A. Price i/-.
by Chancellor Ferguson, F.S.A. Price 3/6.
Price 1/6.
Extract from tJic Minutes of the Dean and Chapter, Carlisle.
^th May, 1890.
23rd June, 1885,
Chapter Library.
" Application from Mr. R. S. Ferguson
for leave to print Extracts from the Machell Manuscripts :
That the Machell Manuscripts having come to the Dean
and Chapter untrammelled by any conditions whatever, the
Dean and Chapter consider themselves at liberty to permit
the printing of the extracts as requested by Mr. Ferguson.
That this Chapter order, with due security as to copyright,
be printed by Mr. Ferguson in the book to be published."
IN pursuance of the policy, followed by this
Society, of publishing gradually in its Trans-
actions and its extra volumes, every unpublished
manuscript that relates to the two counties with
which we deal, Sandford's Historv of Cumberland
is now published. Several copies of this manuscript
exist, but they are all copied from one which is
bound up in the 6th volume of Machell's Collec-
tions in the Library of the Dean and Chapter at
Carlisle. Machell does not appear to have known
who the writer was, and records his ignorance on
the title page, but in the index to the Collections,
vol. 6, is this note in the handwriting of Bishop
Mr. Edmund Sandford, Great Uncle to W"' Sandford, Esq^'
the present proprietor of the House of Askham, and Chief of
the name 1709.
The manuscript speaks for itself : the writer
reminds the reader of Will Wimble, ''■' and must
have been very good company, and a very good
'■'- The Spectator, No. 108.
fellow, but his accuracy in matters genealogical is
sometimes doubtful.
The Society is indebted to the Dean and Chapter
of Carlisle for permission to publish the manuscript,
to Mr. E. F. Bell, of the Dean and Chapter Regis-
try, for a most careful revision of the text, and to
Major Arnison, for the excellent index.
A Cursory
Relation of ail the An-
tiquities & Familyes
in CumbHand
Qu of Mr. William Farer for the author of this Account of
Twas written by Mr Edmund Sandford Cadet of the House of
* Note in Machell's handwriting. Editor.
fNote apparently in Bishop Nicolson's handwriting-. Editor.
r HAVE redd in an Ancient Manuscript of Twenty sheets
^ of paper That Will'm The Conqueror give all The
County of Cumb'rland to one Lord Meschines : with
Troopes of soldiers : both to face the Scotts and to keep the
Country in Subjection to him.* And this Lord Meshines
built his castle att Agreement, but a mean Markett Towne,
yet of an ancient honor. The Earle of Northumlands
eldest sone and heir alwayes Stiled Lo : Egrement and Ther
Lordships Lands at this day all a long the montaines
Ten miles at least north and south and as many miles up
into the montaines & fforest of Innerdale, wher ther is Reed
dear, and as great Hartts and Staggs as in any part of
England : if you can gett vs a warrant from y""^ brother of
Earle of Northumland for a Brace of Staggs. The bow
bearer is a brave gentlemen : I have been at his house in
the Lower end of Enerdale : a seat for any gentleman :
his name Mr. Kelleway and we will hunt that dear gal-
lantly ; & eat it more brauely for y°'^ sake.
This Lord Meschines an old soldier was content to
seat himself farr from the danger greatest : for it is 50
miles from Scotland : yett nye unto the seas over ag'
both Ireland ; and Scotland an arrae of the Sea That goes
all along those 50 miles to Domefreise in Scotland.
Upon which arme o'th sea stand Workington and Seaton
Two great villages and manno" : and in the north Termed
*The writer has, in addition to the usual mistake about William the Conqueror,
confused Ranulph de Meschines (Ranulf Meschin) with his brother William, who
had the grant of the great barony of Coupland from Ranulph, and seated himself
at Esrremont. — Editor.
Lordships : given bv the Lord Meschins To a Kinsman
and Colonell called Gospatrick with a great Trackt of the
Contry up to Lampley oth fells eastward : and by one of ther
successores given to Collenell Lampleys ancesters who now
enjoys Lampley and such like all dowen the sea side to
Heyton Castle now the Seite of Sir Edward Musgrave K*
Baro""^' of Scotland a younger sprigg of the house of Sir
Phillip Musgrave of Musgrave, Hartly Castle in West-
merland ; And Eden Hall in Cumberland ; as sweet a
place as in any part of Engand (sic) as fine as Chelsey
feilds ; and The fair River of Eden Like Thams running
beside it and apricocks plumes peares cherries and all fruits
in abondance and ripe as early.
And the successor of this Lord of Workington had a
yonger brother went to the warrs a great Comander in
the English armyes in Edwerde the first times, or a little
before : and planted cher and maried ther the Leddy of
Culwen a great tract of Land and Tenents in Scotland
called Culwen : and the heir male of his elder brother at
Workingto failing he came for the better querto"^ and his
madam well pleased To Workington : which his noble
successors by name & nature nowe enjoyes: as Lately Sir
Patricius Curwen K* Barron* and lj>lament man for Cumb'-
land* so changing ther name a little from Culwen in
Scotland to Curwen.
Now south from This Capitall Castle of the Lord
Meschines of Egrem* To the hedd of Dudden water a brave
Rivert where the famous cockles of all England is gathered
in the sands scraped out with hookes like sickles, and brave
salmons and flookes the brauest in England hangd up &
dryed like bacon and as good feeding as Iseland salt wish.
*Sir Patricius Curwen, born 1601, died 1664. See the " Curwens of Working-
ton," by W. Jackson, F.S.A., Transactions of this Society, vol. V, p. iSi. Et
seq. — Editor.
I This waters parts Lancashire and Cumber Land called Dudden his coming
from the montains of Coniston in Furneise in Lancashire, Note on margin of
^lachell's copy.
And in this 20 miles Tract you have many brave Rivers
and houses of c^entry gallant and great estates according to
the northern estates : as first of all.
Two mile Southward you have the little River of
Cawder a pretty stone bride bridg* but of one Arch and
a church upon the Hill above it : and The said River a
Little above The bridge Coming Thoroogh the Abbie of
Cawder whose Ruines shew their antiquity and Emenen-
cies : and somtimes after the fatall fall of Abbies this came
into the hands and possession of the Late Judge Huttonf
of the Comon pleas : and he exchangd it with Monsi"^
Kighley of Yorkshire for Goldsborow in Yorkshire a little
from Wetherby : where the said Judge Huttons name and
fame lives at this day: and Kigley sold it to S"" Rich;
ffletcher kn' and his eldest daughter married Patrickson.
Then all along the sea side yow have a younger son of
one Tomas Curwen a branch of the house of Workington
but all the Custimary tenents and a pretty house called
Scarr hall belong to the house of Workinton : And this
Curwen hath Therby a pretty house called Scella park.]:
hall : but neither parke nor dear about it, but brave Sport
with Riding and Striking of fflounders and other fish with
listers in the Shallow river runing brood upon the sand
which sporte I myselfe have myself (sic) been at : And
have seen Two men one at either end of the nett, The
tide coming upon the sands, wade into the Sea with a
* Bride-bridge = Bridle-bridg-e. The " bride-bridge," just wide enough for a
pack horse, can still be seen by looking upwards from the river bed. An extra
width has been built on to it at each side. — Editor.
fSir Richard Hutton, Knt, one of the Huttons of Penrith, a Justice of the
Common Pleas, and father-in-law to Sir Philip Musgrave. He was youno-er
brother of Sir William Hutton of Penrith and Shank Castle. See pedigree : St.
George's Visitation of Cumberland, Harleiun Society. Sir Richard d. 163S. See
a memoir in Jefferson's Leath Ward. He purchased Calder Abbey from the
descendants of Dr. Leigh, who had a grant of it at the dissolution. Brido-et
Fletcher, eldest daughter of Sir Richard Fletcher, married John Patrickson of
How, and got Calder Abbey from the Patricksons. Calder Abbey went by sale
to John Tiffin, who left it to the Senhouses. — Editor.
X Henry Curwen of Workington purchased Sella Park for his second son
Thomas, born 1590, d. 1653. The vendor was Thomas Fleming. .See the
" Curwens of Workington," ut ante. — Editor.
nett of a great Compass till the waves have stroke above
ther sholders so as you could see nothing but ther heads,
and bring forth Somtimes pretty store of Salmon, Codlins :
Killings:* and other fishes, and somtimes nothing.
Southward up you have the Ancient Scite of Seaskall
hall : The prime house of the Senhousest Esq^ : wherof was
the Late docto"^ Senhouse Lo : Bishop of Carelile in the
last of King James his time : but he was of a yonger branch
of Sqire Senhouse of the Nether hall : And many good jests
upon him : a constant family of gamsters : as the contry
people will say The Senhouse Learn to play at cards in ther
mothers belly. And this docto"^ and an other at Tables : he
Tript the dye So patt : Sure, quoth the other, its either
the devill or Dick Senhous : then at Cambridg and come
into Contry and a great hunter and his horse having cast a
Show, and the Smith having shod him, he had not money
to pay him : goe yo"" way, quoth he, and when yo'^ Bishop
of Carely youle pay me : which he did in abondance of
gratuity : and was a religious honest pasto'^ never married.
Ther hath been in my time 4 Sqire Senhouse of this
Seaskall called John & now a faire yong Squire of about
28 yeares and his great gand mother of the fflemings of
Ridall hall : in WestmHand, and his grandmother, and
mother of the Ancient house of Wrightington of Wrigt-
hington in Lancashire besides Wigan.
*Killinp^s=Keelings, large cod fish, see Lord William Howard's Household
Books, Surtees Society, vol. 68, p. Si, n— Editor.
f John Senhouse in 152S married Elizabeth, sister and co-heir of Richard
Eag-lesfield, son of Gawen Eaglesfield, of Alneburgh Hall or Ellcnborough Hall,
Sheriff of Cumberland. They had four sons : —
I. — Thomas, ancestor of the Senhouses of Seascale, now extinct in the
male line.
2. — Peter, of Ellcnborough, died a bachelor.
2. — John, of Ellenborough (Netherhall,) ancestor of the Senhouses of
4. — Richard, in orders.
John was the entertainer of Camden : his third son, Richard Senhouse, was dean
of Gloucester, and bishop of Carlisle, 1624-1626.
Seascale was sold at the end of the 17th century, but was repurchased long
afterwards by Samson Senhouse of the Netherhall branch of the family— a pedi-
o-ree of the Senhouses of Seascale is much wanted — for one of the Senhouses of
Netherhall, see Whelan's Cumberland. At the Restoration Wrightington Sen-
house was one of those selected for the proposed order of the Royal Oak.—
Southard a little up the Seaside comes Raven Glass
but a little a markett, but a great faire at St. James tide,
both for cattle from Ireland and He of Man and other those,
and our own contry Comodities.
And upon the Hill above, stands Monkastle The Ancient
K^ Seite of the Peningtons : but no IC of late : from
v/hence come the Aldermen Peningtons of London ; and I
thinke the quondam famous Captaine Peningto : for I had
an uncle of my owne name Edm : Sandford prentise to his
Cosen Pettington at London which must needs to be one
of this house loo yeares ago. Ther is a brave parke and all
belonging to this grand house of Montcastre full of fallow
dear down to Ravenglas so called of a broode or airye of
Ravens there : and I have seen a white Raven ther much
made on and very Tame for a marvaile and traind like a
hauke to kill partrige and other fowles.
This is a brave yong gallant and allwayes grand house
keepers. I neither know his wife or mother brave Lan-
cashire Ladies but his great grandmother was Copley of
Yorkshire : and his grandmother Sherburne of the gret
house of Stanfords in Lancashire : And two Ants maried
to Sir Roger Bradshaw of Lacashire : And Sir Jervis
Shakerley Governor of Chester."
Nye unto Moncaster hall : stands The Church of Waber-
thwaite P'ish but of no great valew : and The lyberties
Therof goes up half a score mile to the Top of hard knott
and wrye knott montains Eastward : such a wrye knotty
waye as not the like in England : And on the Tops of
thes montains parts Cumberland Westm'land and Lan-
cashire. And from Thence comes Waberthaite River and
westward Runs into the Sea beside Ravenglass : and
* Joseph Pennington, Esq : his wife was Margaret, daughter of John Fleetwood,
Esq., of Penwortham, Lancashire, and his mother was Isabel, daughter of John
Farrington, Esq., of Warden, in the same county. The " fameous Captain Pen-
nington," (Admiral Sir John Pennington) was of this family, and his "smooth
logs" between 1631 and 1636 are preserved at Muncaster Castle. Joseph
Foster's Pcnuingtoniana (privately printed) should be consulted. 1 have not
been able to see it. — Editor.
some salmons and all sortes of fish in plenty : but the
greatest plenty of hsrrings frech a daintye fish of a foot
long: and so plentious a fishing therof and in tiie sea
betwixt and the He of Man : as they lye in scooles together
so Thike in the sea at Spawning time about Agust as a
ship cannot pass Thorow : And the fishers goe from all
the coasts to catch them : and a great profit and serve all
the Kingdome, and others to for a great part of Lent pro-
Ffower miles southwards stands Seaton an estate of
500'^ <U> an : somtimes a Religious house : gott by one
Sir Hugo Askew yeoman of the seller unto Queen Catherin
in Henry the Eights Time and borne in this Contry. And
when That Queen was deforced from her husband : This
yeoman was destitute : And he aplied himself for help to
Lo : Chamberlain for some place or other in the Kings ser-
vice : The Lord Steward knew him well : because he had
helpt him to a cup wine the best but told him he had no
place for him : but a Charcole carrier : Well quoth this
Mons'"^ Askew help me with one foot and let me gett in the
other as I can : And upon a great holiday the King looking
out at some sports Askew got a cortier a frinde of his to
stand before the King and then he got on his vellet cassock
and his gold chine : and baskett of Chercols on his back, and
marched in the Kings sight with it. O saith the King now
I like yonder fellow well that disdains not to doe his dirty
office in his Dainty clothes : what is he : Says his frinde
That stood by on purpose It is Mr Askew that was
yeoman oth celler to the Late Queens Ma'"^ and now glad
of this poore place to keep him in y"^ Ma*'^^ service .which
he will not forsake for all the world. The Kinge says : 1
had the best wine when he was ith celler : he is a gallant
wine Taster let him have his place againe and afterwards
kighted (sic) him and he sold his place* and maried the
* " And purchasd this religious place of Seaton nye wher he was borne of an
ancient freehold family." — Note in margin of Machell's Copy.
daughter of Sir John Huddleston* and setled this Seaton
upon her : and she afterwards maried Mons'' Penington
Lo : of Montcaster : and had Mr Joseph and a yonger Sone
with Penington & give him this Seaton : Great Grand
father of this Mons''' Penington. t ....
Eastward from Seaton you goe Millome Lordship 20
{sic in origine] miles to the head of the foresaid Dudden
great River : all the Lands and freeholds of Lord of
Millome Castle : Great great Grand child of the said S'''
John Huddleston, of gand (sic) estate, but he gave much
away with daughters: and maried to Dalavaike of Sowtham
besides Teuxberry 500^' ^> an : in Glostershir And yet it is a
Lordlike living 3000^' ^ an: and 500^' ^ an: at Hasley
some 10 miles beyond Oxford And ffardinando now Lord
thereof : and all the estate of Millome Castle gat it and
Sonne of S'^ William Huddleston, and a daughter of Mont-
castree : and Colonell of a Regiment of horse and foote, and
seven brothers Captains in the Royal Armies under him :
And his Grandson A great Swash buckler in Queen
Elizabeth time, and great gamster : lived at a Rate
bejond his incomes : A great Countess his frinde : Asking
him how he lived so gallantly : quoth he, of my meat and
my drink: Quoth She I even Looked for such an answer. |
And the noble ffardinando Lorde of Millome Castle hath
*Sir John Huddleston, K.B., married first Jane Lady Clifford, sister of the
Earl of Cumberland, by whom he had no issue; second, Jane Seymour, aunt of
Jane Seymour, Queen to Henry VIII. by whom he had : i. Anthony. 2. Andrew,
ancestor of the Huddlestons of Hutton John. 3. A daug^hter married to Sir Hugh
Askew. 4. Ann married to Ralph Latus of the Beck. Sir John died 3S, Henry
VIII. Jefferson's AUerdale above Derwent.— Editor.
f At Bootle Church is a brass bearing the effigy of a knight in armour and this
leo-end : — Here lies Sir Hughe Askew, Knyght, late of the Seller to Kynge
Edward the VI., which Sir Hughe was made Knyght at Musselborough felde in
ye yere of oure Lord 1547 and died the second day of Marche in the yere of our
Lord God 1562.— Editor.
JThe sequence appears to be: Sir John Huddleston, K.B. died 38 Henry VIII.
Anthonv, son of John, and the swashbuckler William, son of Anthony, in pos-
session of the estates in 1610. Ferdinando, son of William. Sir William, son of
Ferdinando, had seven (or eight) brothers. Ferdinando died without issue. See
Denton's Account of Cumberland, p. 12. I refrain from attempting to unravel
Sandford's Account of the Huddlestons, until Mr. Jackson's long promised
pedigree is in print.— Editor.
on Candlemas day last at Millom Castle married his only
daughter to the sone & heire of Lord De la
of famous .
Tradition of This family.
That a yonger sonneof the successors of the Lord Mes-
chins sone after his death : was a great Captaine in the
warrs in Wales or Ireland And taken prisoner: and well
used upon promise of a great Ransom : and sent to his
brother to Egremont for reliefe : but his brother neglected
him : In the meantime he had a mighty love of the Lords
daughters there wher he was prisoner: and they hearing
of no Ransome and like Sarazins unmercifull peeple wold
famish him to death and fest him up by his Long haire to
a boake so close as a knife cold not pass betwix the skin
and the boake. The yong Ladye in good time, with her
man and her maid comes : and cults away a peece of skull
of his crowne in Loosing him'" downe and he directs her to
come in att Duddan Sands to Millome by one he sent unto
Soe he coming to Agreement Castle, and his brother att
dinner sounded his bugle home, which the Lady had kept
for him, and his greyhound : Which the Lord his brother
hearing Quoth he, yonder is my brothers home, goe call him
up : And They brought him up : And he wold scarce be
frinds with his brother, but diverse frinds Ther made them
frinds : and he give him Millome Castle and lo mile
downe the Sea side, and 20 miles up Dudden to the mon-
tains which is now the Lord of Millome Castle & Lordship
and 4 or 5 Churches in it but all Impropriations and
many halls and mann" and called Millome beck hall of an
* And she and lier maid held up the body till her man cut skin of his skull to
let him downe : and the crest of ther coat of arms a Ladyes arms holding- up a
Scull .... Note in margin of Machell's copy.
f Denton's Account of Cumberland, p. lo, tells the story, and makes the hero
captive among- Pagans.— Editor.
Now Eastward from Millome Castle up the River of
Dudden which parts Lancashire and Cumberland you
have many hamlets townes and villages for ten miles upward
to the head of Offa. The Lord of Millome Castle hath
gread wodds demisnes and dear and Iron workes.
And now I have given yow the Tract up the sea side
from Egremont Quondam Castle The Ceite of the grand
Lord Meschines who had all Comberland & Westm^land
given him by Will"^ Conqueror. And like an old soldier
planted himself farr from the greatest danger 3 score miles
Scotland : And now I come northward from Egremont.
Yow have St. Bees Abbie and the famous hauen of
Whitehauen And This Abbie by Tradidition built vpon this
occasion : for the time I referr you to the Cronicles : That
ther was a pious religious Lady Abbess and some of her
Sisters with her driven in by Stormy wether at White-
hauen and ship cast away ith harbore : and so destitute
And so She went to the Lady of Egermont Castle for re-
leife, That Lady a godly woman pittied her distress and
desired her Lord to give her some place to dwell in :
which he did at the now St. Bees : And She and her
sisters sewed and spinned and wrought carpets and other
workes and lived very godly lives : as gott them much Love
as she desired Lady Egreemont to desire her Lord to build
them a house and they wold live a religious life together
and many wolde joine with them : if they had but a house
and Land to live upon : wherwith The Lady Egermond
was very well pleased : And spoke to her Lord he had
Land enough : and give them some To lye up tresures in
heaven : And the Lord laughed at the Ladyes : And said he
wolde give them as much Land as Snow fell upon the
next morning bein midsumerday : And on the morrow
looked Out at the Castle window to the seasid 2 miles
from Egremont all was white with snow for three miles
Together : And thereupon builded this St. Bees Abbie and
give all Those Lands was snowen vnto it and the towen
and hauen of Whithauen : And somtimes after all the
Tithes therabout and up the montains and inerdall forrest
eastward was apropriated to this Abbie of St Bees : which
was got by one Mr Dacres of Kindred to the Lord Dacres :
gott a Long Lease of it at fall of abbeis : and married one
Mrs Latos of the beck; hall : att Millom : who afterward
maried Squire Wybridge* of Clifton in WestmHand : who
purchased the inheritance of this Abbie of the Crowne : and
sold it to old Sir John Lowther who give it to his yonger
sone Sir Christopher Lowther Kt Bart soone after and his
sone now Sir John Lowther of Sockbridge in Westmerland
now enjoies This St. Bees Abbie Whitehauen and all ther-
abouts with colyerye, saltpans, and all casuall profits looo''
^ an : at least.! And heer is a grand free scoole founded by
Bishop Gryndall borne hereabouts.
And by the sea side The sea flowing vp to the very
dores : Stands Rauen Glass a markett Towne : And a
Grand faire of three dayes Long at St. James Tide for all
Sortes of Cattle Especially : and all other Comodities from
Ireland ; He of Man and Scotland : and this Towne belongs
to Moncastre Castle.
And one mile from St. Bees you have Rotington Hall
and Towne the Ancient Seit of Mr Sands : from whence
Bishop Sands was derived : a Lords familye in the South :
but I know none of them, but the Last Squire Monsr Rob :
Sands who sold it to the Late S"^ Henry Curwen : whose
grand child ; in minoritye and his Lady mother: Grandchild
or daughter of Sir Michaell Wharton of the wolds in York-
shire now hath and enjoyes this Rotington. t
*Wyberg-h. Editor,
fin 1553 Edward VI. granted to Sir Thomas Chaloner the manor, rectory, and
cell of St. Bees, and all its possessions not granted away before. The Chaloners
sold to the Wyberghs, who then got the reversion of the property included in the
long lease to Dacres, which they had also acquired. See "The Chaloners,
Lords of the Manor of St. Bees," by VV. Jackson, F.S.A., Transactions Cum-
berland Association Literature and Science, vol VI., p. 47. — Editor.
J The minor was Henry Curwen, born 1661, son of Eldred Curwen and
Catherine Wharton, son of Sir Henry Curwen, of Workington, by his second wife
Margaret, daughter of Thomas Bouskill. Eldred Curwen d. 1673. See "The
Cyrwens, &c," by Wm. Jackson. Ut «/;/f.— Editor.
Now from the seaside vp the River which comes by
Egremond vp to the head of Innerdale forrest above a
dozen mile to the east montains you have many townes
hamlets and villages, but no grand Gentry one Ponsonby*
oth haile: but of no great remerke : But a litle above nye
the montanes towards Moncastree : A. great Tower house
of ancient family of Squire Iretons : of Ireton : but not of
that fatall Ireton : of Olivers Tribe : ffor this now Lord of
Ireton hall came To attend at the Kings Returne to
London : And some gallant brought him to kiss the
Kings hand : And now quoth he, I have blessed my eyes
with a sight of King : He even goe home and end my
days in godds peace I hope.
Up this River from Egremonds eastward you have
Cleeter a little towne, and church in it but all impropriations
The tithes belonging to bees Abbie, and a faire house and
demisne of Sawter : now belonging to Squire Pattrinckson
oth how hall : a little above : in botome of Innerdall Ther
is diverse of Thes Patricsons in this Trackt brave Gentry
and good estates.
In the foote of innerdall forrest stands Mr Kellawaie's
Hall : a Southern name : And he a brave Gentleman :
Ranger & bow bearer of Innerdall forrest To the Earl of
Northumberland : and you wolde gett us a warrant for a
brace of Redd dear in Innerdale from the Lord Northum-
berland : yo'' brother & we wold hunt them bravely with Mr
Kellaway wold make much of us.
Then a little bejond eastward you have the Ancient
Squire family ; of Lampley of Lampleyf a Colonell in the
Royall Service a very faire hall howse : & village and
church ; and p'son loo^' -^ an : I beleive : And so along to the
montanes of Louswater : a little lake or meerfull of diverse
sortes of very good fish : both trotes, chers, skellies etc.
* Pedigrees of Ponsonbysand Irtons are in Jefferson's Allerdale-above-Dervvent,
and in Whelan's Cumberland. But they are extremely deficient in dates. —
f Lamplugh of Lamplugh : pedigree in the county histories. — Editor.
and doune in the bottome you have Craples hall, and village
Though they very ancient gentry, I never heard them of
any great rem'"ke : And from Thence I will merch to
Lorton : and vp to Stye head and Raize : that parts Cum-
berland and Westmerland, for besides Craples Ther is
many hamlets and villages but I know not ther names : nor
any gentry nor matter of note amongst them : And from
hence I goe up to the Stie head montain and the Raieezes
That part Cumberland & Westmerland.
The Raize some 8 mile South above* Keswicke : And
from another High montain nye hand called Styehead a
current River as all the great rivers : comes from little
Rivelets burst forth of the topps of the montains : which
makes the great question whether sea or land be higher :
and so from the currents round about from the hills springe
a Lake or mearin the Bottome : of six miles in lenth, and
halfe as much in bredth : and diverse little Hands in the
midst : Sir Wilfred Lawson hath a pretty sumerhouse in
one of them.
But the manno'' house of the He hall is the principall :
and the mansion house and dwelling of John Lord of Der-
wen water, as this meer is called : whose female heir above
200 year agoe was married to the noble familie of Ratlif of
Dilston in NorthumbHand : And now Lord of this He :
and The markett Towne of Keswick, and parke and dear
and all Royalties annexed vnto it : and heer was the
bravest water mille of the duth invented Daniell & Mannell
came from bejond seas in Queen Elizabeths Time for the
smelting and fining of Cooper Ore : gott in the montains
heer about*: but now the woods are gone, and the works
decayed Though I thinke the mines be as much in the mon-
taines as ever they were : if any wold set upon : I thinke
ther might be a shift made for fire ; Coals, and woode peats
* Introduced no doubt by the German miners, who were brought to Keswick in
the time of Queen Elizabeth, for the purpose of working- the minorals. Fur an
account of them see Transactions this Society, vol VI., 344. — Editor.
enough : And here a very ffair house of ancient gentile
family of Willyamson the birth place of that most In-
genious monsi"^ Sir Joseph Williamson now principall
Secretary of State : A pregnant scoler : part Through his
degrees at Queen Colledg Oxford : when surrendred went
over sea gott divers Languages and there Came into the
Kings Service and welbeloved for I never heard any
great ill o him : And heer was Sir John Banks borne : a
Rich merchants Sone of this Towne of Keswick : bred up
at Grays a great Lawyer somtimes the Kings attorney and
Translated to Lord Cheif Judg oth Comon Pleas : went to
Oxford to the King, and ther dyed : and his Lady and wife
went to her house of Corf Castle in hampshire which he
purchased of the Lady Hatton : and ther this brave Virago
Lady Banks kept this castle : She and herweomen att one
post : and some few men they had at another post : agen
a great Army of P'lament : untill they all Run away
hearing of my Lord hoptons coming with relief.*
Ther is a fair Church but stands half a mile from Kes-
wick and called Crosthwait p'ish but a vicarigh yet I
think worth loo'^ |> an : And from this darwen watter ther
runns a pretty river into an other Lake Larger and Longer
called Bassenthait lake : and Townes and villages on both
sides : under the highest montaines of England : Skiddey
Topp, and Castorstand Two the highest hill in all England :
but no great gentry herabouts : but many substantial
Monsires and many of the Williamsons : and of some of
thes Tribes : That Ingenious Sir Joseph Williamson now
principall Secretary of Stated : And along the east side of
this Long river ther is a Large Lordship belongs to the
Earle of Derby called Bassenthwait : and woods all along
the west side, and above the woods a pretty Lordship
*Sir John Bankes b. at Keswick, 15S7, Attorney-General 1634. Chief Justic^ of
the Common Pleas 1640 to his death 1644 : he was a great benefactor to Keswick
by his will. He purchased Corfe Castle from the Hattons, which his wife de-
fended ag-ainst the l^arliamentarians. — Editor.
t Sir Joseph Williamson, Secretary of State— 1674-167S. — Editor.
called weydup^'' and ancient hall house : bought by Sir
Rich, ffletcher of old Sir Rich. Lowther of Lowther : And
now in the possession of Sir Georg ffletcher K' Barn^ of
Hutton ith fforest ny pearth.
At the Bottome of this Long Bassenthait beck ; ther
is a wood bridg of 20 Arch yet within twise twelve score
below a man may ride over ; and called derwin and runs
westward into the Sea at Workington.
And hear at Ouse brige is an Ancient hall house of a
Squires family called Heimore : one of late a pregnant
Clerk in the Checq' Office raised to a pretty fortune nye
vnto ware : but this estate of no great valew : but have
somtimes been justice of the peace in their contry, and
it is called Armithwaits and have very good fishings belong
unto it.
Now Ther is noe remarkable place dowen This Rever
of Darwent : but some villages of either Side The water
untill yow come To Isill Hall : once The ceite of an Ancient
gentile familye of the Leighs : The last wherof maried The
ffair Matilda Redman : The widowe of the Noble Squire
Ireton of Ireton Tower aforesaid And on this mariag, the
said Mr. Leigh mad this Isell to himself and This
Matilde his wife and the Longer liver of them, and their
heires And she survyving Mr. Leigh : maried Sir Wilfrid
Lawson Grand Steward of the Earle of Northumberland
of all his lands in Cumberland And she likewise made
over This Isell and all belonging therto To her said hus-
band And the Longer liver of them ; and ther heir heires :
And her husband surviving It came To the now Sir
Wilfrid Lawson who married the daughter of Sir Edward
Musgrave of Haiton Castle, who now Injoyes This
ancien ceite of Isell and Blencrake a great village a little
above it northward so called of the many Crakes : The
*Wythop.— Editor.
Crowes so called in yt contry : building in the woods
Vpon the south side of Darwent upon a hill looking
over ISell and the contry stand Howthwaite the fair ceite
and house of an Ancient Squire familie of The Swinburns :
The Last wherof maried mabella musgrave, daughter of
Monsi"^ Tho : Musgravet : of Comecath the quondam
famous brave horse couser : Loved therefore with all the
Lords of england ; and a metled man in the Queen
Elizabeths time in the border service, And wolde shew
many m'^ke of his wounds gott in that service : And had
the fortune to be Second ; To cutting Mr. Terverner when
he killd one Mr. Bird a Courtier ; And in great danger
beseeched my Lord pembroke to gett his perdon,.my lord
was long a doing And he told him if he made not hast
he should be hange before : my lord says, before Thow be
hanged lie be hanged for the : Said Musgrave Good my
Lord Then be Sure you be ther that day and got his
perdon afterward.
And now we come to Cokermoth Parks and 3 miles
downe to the Towne w'^^ stands at the little River called
Cokers mouth Then running into derwent therupon takes
the name of Cokermouth : A very fine markett, and many
fairs at it for all comoditie, and a marvellous fair castle :
given by the Lord meschines : To a Kinsman of his : And
in sequell of time came to the Lord Lucie whose female
heir brought it to the Earle of Northumberland, upon con-
dition he should quarf^ The Percies arms and the Lucies
together, which they do & enjoyes it at this day.
* This story is also told by Denton and Gilpin (Account of Cumberland, p. 47).
Litigation took place and a compromise was effected. The Sir Wilfred Lavvson
who'' married Maud or Matilda Leigh had no issue, and Isell went to his nephew,
William Lawson, whose son Wilfred married Jane, daughter of Sir Edward Mus-
grave of Hayton, and purchased a baronetcy from James IL Crakes are not
crows, and do not build in trees. — Editor.
f Probably the same with Thomas Musgrave, Captain of Bewcastle, second son
of Sir Simon Musgrave of Edenhall, who was Sheriff of Cumberland, 15CS-9.
Cumcatch is near Brampton and Milton.— Editor.
On the east side of the derwent, on a hill stands pap-
castle a very great village and a little from thence stands
duffondy hall, once belonging to the Kirkbrides but lately
to the Lampleys : The Last being Sir Thomas Lampley :
who built a free schole there, and I knew very well ; and
fower brother of them without any issue male ; or who
hath it now I know not.*
Then yow come downe the River to Broughton ; a great
Town of the Lord Whartons, and so along to Ribton : an
Ancient Squire famileis ceite of the same name : but
Lately sold to one Sir Tho : Lampley, and he sold it to
the now Lawyer Lampleys father :f who now injoes it and
his dwelling house and habitation : And haith builded a
very fair house at it. A little above we have Broughton a
very faire great village belonging to The Lord Wharton : of
Wharton in Westm^land as he hath many other Lands
in thes parts of Cumberland.
Two miles downe The River of derwent stands Camerton
hall and a faire churh beside : A faire Tower house and vil-
lage : The habitation of Squire Curwen and a faire estate
somtimes of 3 or 400^' ^ an : but the Rectorye an impro-
propriation : And this family an Ancient branch of the
great house of Curwen of Workinton : Ther great Grand-
father, maried Senhouse : and his grandmother Brokes of
Brokooles in Lancashire nye unto Lancaster : And his
mother: a daughter of Mr. Porter of weery hall. J
*Burn & Nicolson say the school at Dovenby was founded by Sir Thomas
Lamplugh in 1G09 (vol. II, pp. 104-105,) and that he married Agnes, daughter of
Sir Thomas Braithwaite : she lived to the age of 100. He does not fit 'into the
printed pedigrees of Lamplugh. — Editor.
t Thomas Lamplugh, second son of Thomas Lamplugh, of Riston, purchased
Ribton : he died 1670 leaving two sons, Richard, who must have been the lawyer,
and Thomas , of York. Richard married Frances, daughter of Sir
Christopher Lowther of Whitehaven, and had a daughter Jane, who married ist,
John Senhouse of Netherhall ; 2nd, Charles Orfeur of Plumbland. Jefferson's
Allerdale-above-Derwent. — Editor.
J Christopher Curwen of Camerton married Ann daughter of Senhouse of Sea-
scale : his son Henry married Bridget, daughter of Thomas Brockholes : his son
Christopher married Ann, daughter of Joseph Porter of Wreay Hall. See "The
Curwens," «/ (tiitc. — Editor.
And a little above on a hill side stands Seaton : The
Ancient sceit of Cospatrick : A Large village, untill he
Transpanted (sic) his house To Workington on east side of
the river : and belongs to the Lord of Workington : and a
Rich soile, very faire redd wheat groinge ther ; And the
Tenents ther pay many bushels of wheat with other Rent
in moneys Rent henns, and other dewties, and service,
to Workington : As the most parte of all the contry do to
ther Land Lords, and fines, and gressoms, at death of Lord,
and Tenant : According to ther custimarye estate : no
Tenents holding by Lease in thes contries : and thes
Towns on the north side vpon the River dervent To the
sea seven miles from Cockermouth.
The River Running streight downe without any Crooked-
nes to sea westward next to Cokermoth on the east side
this River derwent : yow have a faire village, and a fairer
church (and p'ish) seated nye vnto the River But an im-
propriation, the Rectory 300^' ^ an. at Least and belongs
to Sir Georg ffletcher of Hutton.
Then yow have Large villages on the River side called
Cliflons and so yow come into the Territyes of Lands
of W^orkington fower miles to the sea west : & six miles
dowe (sic) the west sea side all belonging to Workington.
Now I have Traced all southward to Lancashire, and
much Eastward to the mountain Topps to Westmorland
from the princely pallace, of the Grand Lord Meschines
sceited vpon a little green hill : now not seen (?) standing
vpon an other at Egremond: with your favore I will trace
yt downe The sea side to Workington some Ten miles
northward : And all this Tract above Darwen water
southward ; with all in the Dioces Chestre.*
I have given yow heertofore The S' Bees : And thereto
Adjoining a fair squire house of Mr. Sands of Rotington :
nye there I have gott many fine Aggots, and precious
*'rhe aire of the sea is so strong as bear up divers sorts of fowles that can
not flye but when they are over the sea. Note in the marj:^in of Machell's Copy
with a " query " to it.
stones That wold cutt glass like diamonds* : And Ther is
fovvles ther builds in the S' Bees Rock : it is called : thes
fowles as bigg and swift of wing as duck and mallard :
And builds in the Rock they hangs over the see: and They
Let downe a broad nett from the Topp of the Rock And
frights The fowles of ther nests, and the netts cacth (sic)
them : They cannot flye when they are half a mile from the
sea : And of this squire family of Rotington was Bishop
Sands, now a Lords family in the south. The Last of this
house I knew : Monsi"^ Rob'^'"'^ Sands a pretty gentleman
had travaile and spook french : And sold this to Sir Henry
Curwen, father of the late Sir Patricius Curwen, whose
nevy now a mino^ And sone of his brother Eldred and the
grandaughter of Sir Michaell Wharton of the Wolds in
Yorkshire now Lord and Lady of this Rotington. t
Now you come to the fameous Towne of Whitehaven, the
most frequented haven of thes parts : where Sir Jas. Low-
ther of Sockbrige in Westm^'land K* Baron^ hath a fair
house : and divers salt panns and colyerrie the Reason of
the great frequenting of shipps and adjoining to S' Bees of
great valew & profitts above looo^' ^ an : And adjoining
thereunto you have Morisby, The ancient seat of an
ancient gentile family of the Morisbyes, but now the faire
house and habitation of one Squire fflecther,| And a fair
castle there for defence of the contry in Ancient Times :
but now not habitabe : (sic) And a pretty hauen
place here, called parten : where somtimes ships ar-
rive. And lately the dwelling of Monsi"" Henry ffletcher
a great horse cowser, and gamster at all essayes : and
married faire Mrs. Anne : sister to the late S'"' Patricius
Curwen : she and her sone now there dwelling. § |j
* At Fleswick Bay.
t A)ite, p.
X Henry Fletcher of Moresby Hall. He succeeded his brother William at
Moresby. They were .arrandsons of William Fletcher, who in 1576 purchased the
hall, manor and advowson of Moresby. Whelan's Cumberland, p. 41S. — Kditor.
§ She was daughter to Sir Henry Curwen and half sister to Sir Patricius Cur-
wen, and afterwards married Henry Skelton, as her second husband. See '' The
Curwens' &c." ;(/ a«/e.— Editor.
II And a braue horse Rase alons;- the Sea sides; and cony warrand and salmon
Vp into the Land eastward yow have distington, or
dikestowne, and formerly belonging to Squire Dikes of
warthole : and sold by the said Sqire Leonard Dikes to
this mosire ffletchers Grandfather, and heer is a hall house
and pretty demise belonging thereunto now Mr. fletchers.
And a little from thence into the contry : comes Dean a
very Large village, and free scole, and faire church : and
p'sonage I thinke of 120^' ^ an. but the Towne belongs to
the Lord Wharton. And hard by Thar is an Ancient fair
Touer house Mr. Sckeltons : called Branthait where that
squire family most resided. And this Mr. Sketons grand-
father marrid the daughter of Sir Henry Curwen of
Workington : whom I knew very well* but This Mr. Tho.
Skelton had ill fortune in his youth to kill one of the Sen-
hous : they had sore fight for it, in riding home from
Cokermoth markett : and he glad to sell his Tower house,
and Lands att Skelton his ancienters habitation, and
manno"^ of Hensingham which one of the Salkeld now
enjoye ; and sold Salter and all ; to free himself and his
com.plices of the death of this man.j
Then I come to the Territories of workington Lordship :
of Lokey, and Stainburne]: the manno""^ belonging thereto :
and yearly Court Barons kept thereat : And att Harrington ;
and many salt panns ther : And a fair parke of fallow dear
there : Adjoining to the demisne Lands of Workington
a very fair Larg village, and fair hauen : but not so much
now frequented v/ith ships : The coleyery being decayed
therabout : and a very fair church & p'sonage of 120'^ ^ an.
and one Mr Madison now ther pasto^ And a very fair
fishings and sea fish and fowles enough for permitting and ancorage of the
fishings. Note in the margin of Machell's Copy.
*This would seem to refer to the marriage mentioned in the preceding note :
if so, the matter is rather a puzzle.
'[■Simon Senhouse, second son of John Senhouse of Nctherhall (Camden's
friend), was murdered by Skelton near Dovenby.
X All this above Darwen water southwards is within the Lord Bishop of Chet,ter
diocese. And this Workington estate above louo'i p. an. Note in the margin of
Machell's Copy.
Mansion house, and a pallace like : A court of above 60
yards Long, and 40 yards broad built Round about: Garreted
Turretwise and Toores in the corner : with gate house ; And
most wainscott Romes and gallery and the braue pros-
pect of seas and ships all most to the house the Tides
flowing up : braue orchards gardens doue Coats : and
woods and groves in the banks about : and braue corne
feilds and meadows below, as like as Chelsay feilds. And
now the habitation of a braue yong Sq"^ : his ffather
monsi"^ ^Eldred Curwen : and his mother the the (sic) grand-
child of Sir Michaell Wharton oth wolds in Yorkshire an
estate 1500'' ^ an :
Now lei me tell yow the family and pedegree of this
Ancient great house Chiviles of Workington for five, or
six discents : my owne great great grandmother being
either sister or daughter to S"^ Tho. Curwen K* in Henry
the Eights Time An excellent Archer at Tweluscor merks :
And went vp with his men To shoote : w*'' that King
Henry 8: at the dissoluition of abbeys: And the King
says to him Curwen why doth thee begg none of thes
Abbeys : I wold gratifie the someway quoth the other I
thanke yow and afterwarde said he would desire of him
the Abbie of ffurnes (nye unto him) for 20*^ one yeares :
sayes the King take it for ever : quoth the other it is
long enough, for youle set them up againe in y* time but
they not likely to be set vp againe : this Sir Tho : Curwen
sent Mr Preston who had maried his daughter to renew
the lease for him : And he even renued it in his owne name :
which when his father in low questioned: quoth Mr.
Preston yow shall have it as Long as you live : And I
thinke I may as well have it with yo'' daughter : as
I think this Sir Harry Curwens wife was Fairfax, York.
* Henry Curwen, born i66t, see ante p. lo n. — Editor.
f Sir Thomas Curvven's sister, Ellyn, and not his daughter, married John Pres-
ton, which somewhat disparages this gossiping story. See " The Curwens," ut
ante p. 2.— Editor.
Then comes his sone and heir old Sir Harry Curwen K'
and heire of his j^allantry : And with Sir Symond Mus-
grave wear both kniglited, at the progress of an English
army into Scotland : and brought away with him the
Iron gate of a tower of Carlavericke castle, the house of
Lord Maxwell : and is now the gate of a Tower dower at
Then comes his sone Sir Nicolas Curwen, marries
Sir Symond Musgraue daughter & Monsi'' Christopher
Musgraue marries his sister: The grandmother of the
now noble Sir Phillip Musg (sic) Governo'^ of the Carlile
Castle and citie and garrison there and protects the contry
from moss Tropers.
Then comes Sir Henry Curwen p'lament man for the
County; maries Sir John Dalston daughter and Sir Patri-
cius Curwen his sone & heire- and Colonell in the Late
Ro3-all armies and his brother Capt ZEldered Curwen
father of the now monsir Curwen in minority Lord of
Workington The sone of Sir Michaell Whartons daughter
of the woldes in Yorkshire.!
*Sir Patricius maried Sir Georg Selbies dausjhter of Newcastle : but had no
issue. Note in the margin of Machell's Copy.
f Agnes Strickland. = Thomas Curwen. = FIorcns Wharton.
Mary Fairfax. = Henry Curwen. = Crosby.
Anne Musgrave. = NiCHOLAS Curwen. = Eliz. Carus.
Catherine Dalston. = Henry Curwen. = Margaret Bouskill.
Patricius Curwen. = Isabel Selby. Eldred Curwen. = Catherine Wharton.
Henry, ob. v. p. Henry Curwen.
See "The Curwens," ;// a«7e. Editor.
Then three miles along the seaside northward yow have
flimby, a pretty village and Ancient Gentryes house of
Blenrasset no'^^ Sheriff of Cumberland having Sir Ed\v :
Musgraue daughter to wife. And hath a pretty estate,
but I am not well acquainted with it, And a little above, on
a hill stands vnerigg an Ancient squires Towerhouse &
familys residence for most part Though they had an other
Lordship called Thwaits vp in the head of Millome : Mr.
Joseph Thwaits, in my Time one of witf.est braue mons'"
for all gentile gallantry hounds, haukes, horse courses,
boules, bowes & arrowes, and all games whatsoever : play
his 100^' at cards, dice, and Shovelboord if you please, and
had not above 200" W an : yet left his children pretty
porcions : & dyed beloued of all parties* And his sone
sold it to Mr. Barwis, & Mr. Barvvis to Mr. Cristian
deimster in He of Man,
Then three miles at foote of the River elme : stands
neitherhall : A Tower house & ceite of the Ancient Squire
families of the Eglisfeildes : where was bred that Right
Revered Ghostly ffather To Queen Phillip of famous
memory That vpon his mediation : builded and fownded
Queens Colledg in oxford ; and first endowed it with
resonable mentenance ; but with more Reverend and
Rationall statutes and ordinances for pious life and con-
versation, to be admired as Long as they continued, but
not observed at this day : but with house gone from the
Eglisfeild, to a yonger sone of Senhouse of Seeskals
hall great grandfather to Capt John Senhouse now
owner therof : and Mary his wife sister of Monsir Andreu
Huddleston of Hutton John in this Cumberland : now a
protestant Thoe an ancient papist family and nevy to Mr.
John Huddleston of the Queen Caple, And yow may see
* His wife was Mr Georg Salkeld's daughter of Rosgill. Note in the margin of
Machell's Copy.
how popery decays without ^secution not one for looo^'
in my time.*
This Cumberland I tak it, as Anciently other Counties,
was devided into hundreds now calld five severall wards :
And A high sheriff over them, & an under sheriff, & five
head baliffs, and many under bayliffs, & coroners : And
I have given yovv the South ward and now I come to the
west ward : from the River Elme foot upward to the east
some Three miles from Netherhall the Ancient seite of
that Squ^ family of the Egleshfeilds.
Yow have a very faire village called derome : And a faire
Church in it And I think a p'sonage of above 200'* #- an ;
and one Mr Eglesfeild Lately pastor There ; and his father
An ancient gentleman there of some 40^' ^ an living there
pious discreet monsir : but the Towne was the Late Mr
Barwis of Ilekirk.
Then you have of the Hill side white rigg but a little
village : and nye therunto yow have Bridkirk a fair Towne,
and Church 100^' p- an and p'sonage and a fair, hall house
of the Tolsons. The owner now Grayes in Lawyer,
maried Sir Wilfride Lawsons daughter of Isell :t And
ToHN Senhouse = Elizabeth Eglesfield.
Thomas John = Anne Ponsonby.
of Seascale. of Netherhall. |
Peter. = Frances Skelton.
John.=Eliz. Wharton.
Eliz. Tolhurst.=John. = Mary Huddleston.
f Richard Toli^on of Bridekirk, a lawyer, was i\I.P. for Cockermouth in the first
and second parliaments of Charles II, see Cumberland and Westmorland RI.Ps.,
p. 444. He is there stated to have married a Yorkshire lady, daughter of Gilbert
Gregory, so he would (if the man meant in the text) have been married twice.
next 370U have Talentire, an Ancient faire dwelling of one
sq"^ family of the Ratclifes : but now of monsir Lanclot
ffletcher, a great Gamster : and a large Towne belonging
thereunto : below ther yow have some houses and small
hamlets not worth the naminge.
And now yow come over The fair hors Raze of the more
of Muta : Where Ther grazes manny flocks of fine wolled
sheep : but little, and fine and sweeter muttons than the
south : And at the foot and sides of the more many faire
gentile fabrickes : ffirst the Ancient sq^ family of the
Monsir Dikes of dikes Towne a little above workinton :
a very faire house called Warthole & Tennents thereto be-
longing, and an other great village hardby called Gilcrux
of the p'ish of plumland Church some mile of: And a faire
village and fairer Sqs Ceite called Plumbland Hall ; a very
ancient gentile family : The now owner Mosire Gulielm'
Orpheur 300^^ ^ an estate last Sheriff of Cumberland,
m.aried Madam Howard daughter to Sir Charles Howard :
sone to Theophilus late Earle of Suffolk, who com into
this contry with Right Hon^^^ Contes of Carelile her cosen
and hath many fine children :*t And a fair Church and
<H>sonage of 200'' ^ an And a little mile from Thence
Threepland hall a faire house 200^' ^ an : estate of a
yonger brother of Salkeld of Whithall, and a village
belongin it his mother, parson fairfax daughter of Caldbeck :
and his wife Sq'' Iretons daughter of Irton hall In the
south warde of this county.
*This gallant Monsir Orpheurs great grand mother, was a daughter of Sq :
Lampley of duffonby and nye of kindred to the old Lady Howard of Naward
Castale.& Coheir to the Last Lord dacres : and great grand mother to the now
Honorble Earle of Carelile, and This yong madam a fair virgin coming with the
Right Honorble Contes of Carelile in to this contry fell in Loue with this braue
Monsir Orpheur Late Sheriff of Cumberland and with all frinds consent they
maried and hath many fine children and fair estate in the north 4ooli per an.
Note in margin of Machell's Copy.
t See "The Orfeurs of High close," by VV. Jackson, F.S.A., Transactions
Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, vol. iii,
p. 99, where is much of interest concerning the couple mentioned in the text.
And Then Two mile downe to Squire Salkelds of White-
hall* an estate of 500" ^ an, and a very fair fabrick and
warm place and pleasant parke as any in England but now
The deare is distroyed : and the river of Elme running by
it : and two very great villages of either side belonging
therunto : Torpennow : on the east side and a fair Church
in it and ^sonage of 200^' ^ an And on the west side
blanrasset and not very Large Towne wher the County
Cour is many times kept.
And a little way of Harby Brow : A Tower house som-
times of the Troughtons And some Tenents, but now they
belong to Squire Blencoe of Blencoe hall. And vpon
the top oth hill you have a great village called Bole : t
where a yonger branch of the Sq"^ Dentons had a pretty
mansion : and a witty man : maried my Lady winde-
banks daughter ; and secretary windibanks sister and
brought both his wife, and Lady mother hither, wher
they dyed some 50*^ years agoe : and his sone sold it to
Mr Salkeld.
Now still on the east side vpward of this River of Elme
yow haue many pretty houses and gentile Like families :
and a Curch belonging to Ireby of 100^' ^ an but Ireby
stands a mile aboue : a pretty corne markett Towne, and
belonging to the Late Si"" William Musgrave of Crockdake,
a branch of Sir phillip Musgraue family of Musgraue in
Westm^land : but this Ireby : And Crockdake are come
to Si'' John Ballington a braue Scoth Chiveleir : having
maried the grandchild and Coheir of the said Si"^ Willm
Musgraue, and another Scoth monsir Charteers]; married
the other Coheir and have many fine children.
* A pedigree of the Salkelds is much wanted : the last of the Salkelds of
Whitehall was Henry Salkeld, a physician, on whose death shortly after the 1745,
the property went to the Charltons. Mounsey's "Carlisle in 1745," 259-262.
f Bothel, which was sold by Thomas Denton to Sir Francis Salkeld. Bothel
is still pronounced Bole in the district. Editor.
tChartres, see Denton's History of Cumberland, 57 n. Editor.
A little above Ireby you have Vldale a Large Lordship
belonging to Monsir John Dalston of Akron bank in
Westm'^land, and p'lameut man for Apleby : And a fair
mansion hall house heer in the Towne of Vldale : and
patrone of a faire Church & $>'Sonage of loo'^ ^ an, and
the river comes downe from the hills a little above Cad-
beck : no more worth mentioning therabouts.
Now on the north west side of this River of Elme vow
haue faire green downes : and fair flockes of Sheep, and
fine sweet mutton : And over ag* Ireby stands Bolton a
fair Church an p'sonage of loo^' Ip- an ; and belongs to the
Earle of Northumber Land ; and a little below Wearie
hall ; a fair mansion house and dwelling of Sq"^ Porter :
his grandmother a daughter of Salkeld of Whihalls : his
mother daughter of Curwen of Camerton : and his wife
daughter of Mr Taylor of Todcaster Yorkshire.'''
And so downe the River of Elme 3'et on the north west
side yow have Aspatria a very large village and fair church
and ^sonage in it 100^' ^ an belongs some of it to Braiton
hall : a fair house of a yonger sone of Sir Wilfrid Lawson
marrying the coheir and daughter of Mr Tho : Salkeld
Lord therof.t And so downe the River still yow have Other-
side, an Ancient old Tower house over Aagainst (sic) plum-
land hall and this belongs to the gallant Monsir Orpheur
by mariage of his ancestors Long agoe with Sq^' English
heir, an ancient family in this Tract : And Then yow have
two pretty village Allerby and Cannonby, one Mr Eggles-
feild hath a pretty hall house ther ; and cosen to Monsi""
Orpheur and now yow are come to Elm foot again.
And down the sea side northward yow haue Hayton
Castle a fair prospect over an arme oth sea into Scotland
* According to the pedigree in Hutchinson's Cumberland, vol. ii, 300, Joseph
Porter of Weary Hall, who died in 1649, married Ann, daughter of Lancelot
Salkeld of Whitehall, and had a numerous family, one of whom, Ann, married
Christopher Curwen of Camerton Hall. See also (The Curwens itt ante), but I
do not find that any of their sons married a Curwen, and the iriarria.sres of their
o-randsons are not given by Hutchinson. Editor.
+ The Lawson pedigree in the county histories wants enlarging : it docs not
fjive this marriage. Editor,
some six houes (sic) saile to Kirkowbry and koues of Gal-
lovve)^ This Hayton Castle and nevvton and bromfeild a
Large village beLonging thereunto and much more, be-
long to the ancient families of martinford or Martindale,
and Scalbie Caslle and maay villages a little below Carlile
came to monsi"^ Gulielm' Musgraue by marriage of the
heirs of the iorenamed familes : and had other Three
brothers not borne to any great fortunes : but Active men
in the border service, gott fair means and livings of the
tribe tribe (sic) of Musgraues of WestmHand. The now Si'^
William Musgraue of this Hayton Castle Scots Baron'
married Sir Rich : Grahams daughter and now liuing ther
is great grandchild to y' Mr Willm Musgraue was first
Not farr of here yow have a Large village called Lang
rigg and an ancient hall house and squires famely of the
Osmotherleys some 200^^ ^ an And not farr of Mr Berwis
of Ilekirk : was a faire estate, but trifled it away wold not
Thrive with him ; and wear diuers of them ; and he a
burges for Carelile ag' the king in p'lament : and so all
the rest ith contry ; and were a family of very good es-
teeme : And now not one of name or fame of any of them,
nor any man much remembers them or speaks a good word
of them.t
Now I come to the Ancient Abbey of holme cultrum :
showes his eminency by this Ruines, The demisnes I thinke
belongs to Sir John Ballington of Crockdake, marrying
the heir of Late S'' Willm Musgraue, who gott them by
mariage of one Squir Callwerlie widoue and his sone
maried her daughter Grandmother to the now Lady Bal-
* Sir Edward Musgrave, not Sir William, married Mary, daughter of Sir Richard
Graham of Netherby : his great grandfather VVilHam Musgrave married Isabel,
one of the five coheiresses of James Martindale. She died 1597. She brought
Newton to her husband ; the other properties he got from his grandfather who
married the heiress of the Colvils. Editor.
t Richard Barwis, or the Great Barwise, M.P. for Carlisle, 1627 to his death
164S. A monument to him is in Westward Church, whose inscription is given in
Nicolson's Visitation of the Diocese of CarPisle. Editor.
lington : and her mother was sister to Sir Tho : Dacres of
Leonard Coast in Gisland.* It is a very fruitfull rich
soile, and plaine contry all a long the sea sid some six
miles but no gentry dwelling in it The King has a Stuart
Squire Senhouse of Netherhall, under great Seal, and a
pension yearly: and keeps court ther monthly unles some
haue begg it since the Kings returne.t
Then Come back to the Topp of Scidday again from
whence comes The river of Cawdey and so downe to
Cawdbeck Towne and fair church of 22: p'sonage ^ an.
and a very great village and The greatest Lorpp heer-
about belonging to the Lord Wharton : and a great coleyery
round about it, serues all the Contry up a dozen miles to
peareth : And over a more wher the Coles are got, north
west ward yow come into west ward ; and a quondam
park full of fallow dear : but now vanquisht and all be-
longs to Lord Northumb'^land, and a very fair church in
the markett Towne of Wigton a little below : and heer
yow have a church on the more : no houses very nye
Though I thinke it be much frequented with people ther-
about, And Roselay, a great faire place for cattle, horses,
and linnen cloth, the greatest fair in the north & many
other comodities every fortnight on Monday all the sum-
mer long on a fair green hill ; and but a few houses about
Ther is another Towne not farr of called Owton That
hath a church but I think they be all impropriations for
Si'^ Rich ffletcher was sued ith Chancery for mentenance
to a preaching minister : And he said, he gaue him as
much, as his letters patent prescribed; and he wold not
preach, he cold not make him.
* Ann, eldest daughter of William Musgrave of Crookdake, married a physician,
Sir John Ballantine of Carron in Clydesdale. Editor,
-fSee " The Senhouses, Stewards of Holme," by E. T. Tyson, in the Transac-
tions Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, vol,
vi, p. 126. Editor.
Then a little northward yow have, downe the River
Caudey The Sceite of the Right Reverend Lord Bishop of
Carlile : the Rose Castle and indeed It is a Rosey place,
and Ithink the prime Roses of England and all flowers as
sone here as any place : nor ever any long snow : and fine
parke about it : but now the dear is distroyed : and I haue
heard a Tradition ; That this Rose Castle was Sir Andree
Hartleys in Edward 2^ time : And he made Earle of Carlile
and gouerno'^ of Carlile for his good service agt the
Scoots: in Edw : the seconds Time: but sone after con-
fiderate with Robert Bruce that gott the Crowne of
Scotland : And he was so strong ; and beloued in Carleile
and thes contrye : The King could notgett Hartley appre-
hended for his Treason : Till the Bishop, Chiuileir Mus-
grave, Lord Lucie and Salkeld plotted together and tooke
S-^ Andree Hartley Earle of Carelile in his Citty of Carelile,
and he was afterwards executed for his Treason And The
Bishop had this Rose Castle giuen for his service * and
Musgrave had Hartley Castle giuen him, wher S''^ Phillip
Musgraue now much dwelleth : and Salkeld, had Corbie
Castle for his part all the habitations of Sir Andrew
hartley. And so down the Riuer Cawdey to Dalston wher is
a very fair church ; And village belonging both to the B :
p : And nye hand Little Dalston An ancient K^^ Family :
and a faire Tower house Raisd to a great estate 3000^' ^
an by mariage old Sir John dalston marying the heir of
Chivileir Warcope of Smardale Tower in WestmHand his
sone Sir Georg Dalston maried the Coheir of Tamworth in
the South ; both braue gentile gallants and Justiciers :
great gamsters never without two or three Roning horses
the best in england & venter the 100 pounds frely and
brauely attended, dozen Liuery Cloakes Then in fashion
servites and braue houskepers : and the now Sir Willyam
* There is an interlineation in anotlier hand :— "it was o-iven the see by Hen.
Dalston ; marries the heir of monsir Bolds ; The now
Lady Boldes her mother in Nothinghamshire.*
A little from Dalston westward yow have a faire ceit
and mansion annd {sic) village of Sq Denton of Cardew
whose grandmother was sister of old Sir John Dalston ;
and his mother sister to the Late S''' Rich : Musgraue som-
times of Norton in Yorkshire : And himself monsir Georg
Denton his wife the daughter of Mr Georg Grame of
nunery vpon the Riuer Eden : and another village called
Comersdale and Cawdey runs into the Riuer Eden att
Carlile : and my pen to burgh Barrony now nye adjoining.
A little above upon- the Riuer of Wample which comes
from Ireby : Ther is an ancient Sq"" Seite Towne and
family of Briscoes of Crofton : a fair estate 300'' ^ an and
as I haue reedd this name Taken from that word frisking
of greyhounds : Ther arms being 3 frisking greyhounds
and his wife one of Cranfields a southern woman. t
And now I enter vpon Bourgh Barony : a fair Towne
called Thursby and Church and 100'' ^ an and hall house,
where the Lords Arundells officer used to reside : And
now this Barony belongs to the Duke of Northfolk : by his
descent from the Coheir of the Late Lord Dacres of
Naward Castle and Gisland : and this Barrony goes downe
ten miles to boustat hill the farthest a hauen Towne west
war in all England and so an arme of Sea Runs vp some
20*y miles farter almost to domfreise in Scotland.
Nye unto this boostatt hill ther is a fair Towne called
Kirkbride and Church of 100'' ^ an belonging to Sir
William Dalston : and some villages and ordinarye gentile
ceits in this bourgh Barony and one great Towne and very
fair Churche called Kirkandrees of 200'^ ^ an : And Mr
Aglionby of Carelyle haue some Land and Tenents heer :
but all the Royalties and profitts belongs to the Duke of
* The pedigree of Dalston in Hutchinson's Cumberland omits to say whom Sir
John, Sir George, and Sir William Dalston married. Editor.
t Sir Richard Brisco married Susanna, daughter of Sir Randal Cransfield, as
his first wife. Editor.
Northfoke : and heer yow may ride over Eden : and in the
midst of the sands half a dozen mile into Scotland : And
heer and ith Abbie holme (that joins upon it) was Michell
Scott a great conjurer, They tell many stories on : That
sholde haue brought up the sea to haue made Carelile a
hauen Towne : but being set on a devils horseback : and
bidd gallop away with all speed to Carelile and never look
behinde him and the sea should follow him : but he hear-
ing the sea coming at his heels with such a hious (sic)
noise riddy to run over him, Looked back And ther it
Stopt at at (sic) Boostat hill 8 miles from Carleile.
Then I goe up south again To the Raize I spoke of that
parts Westmorland : ffrom whence running dwne (sic) two
miles into a Lake or meer called Withburne : and a pretty
gentlemans house called Dale head : and his name Lath
100^^ ^ an and so yow come downe the Riuer to Threlkeld
Lordship : A very ancient knights ffamily : And great Lord-
ship of Tenents and faire Towne and Church but of the
p'ish of Graistock : and served by a curate : and hard by
Threlkeld but a cold place; and so the Lords thereof for
the most part lined in Westmorland The Last Sir Lancelot
Threlkeld vsually saying he had three braue houses, one
for pleasure : Crosbie in Westm^land wher he had perks
full of dear : another yanwath for profit and warmth to
line in winter ny pearth and the Third This Threlkeld
well stored with tenants and men to go along with him to
warrs : And had three coheir : A southern monsir Dudley
marrying the eldest & had yanwath and two pickrings
sons of a privy councellor : came into this Contry begining
of Queen Elizab : maried his other two daughters and had
Crosbye and Threlkeld : All now gone and no memory
of any of them in loo years.*
Now as I tell yow This Thelkeld Hall is no great
Building : and the habitation of one Sq Ireton A yonger
*See " The Threlkelds, &c.," by W. Jackson, F.S.A., Transactions Cumberland
and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, vols IX and X.
branch of ancient Sq Ireton of Ireton Tower nye unto
Egremonde beforesaid : ffor Sir Lancelot Threlkeld lined
most at Yanwath : and Crosbie in Westm'^land Two
Statlie Tower houses : one called Revensworth ; of the
Rauens Timbring in the Timber Trees ther but now not
a timber Tree standing : The lands on both sides Threlkeld
belonging to Threlkeld Two miles downe by Riuer.
Yow come to Grisdall northward wher ther is a Church
of Graistock p'ish : and many Riuelets coming downe from
east side of Skiddy montains Runs into the foresaid
Cawdey : and this Grisdall belongs to Graistok castle The
River petterell a little aboue arising from a spring runs by
Graistoke The ancient Sceit of the Lord Grand Thorpe*
of graistoke a great Baron somtimes as I take it, the Lord
Dacres maried his heir as I shall tell yow afterward : And
the Duke of Norffock hath now this Barrony of Garistok
(sic) Castle and much Lands heer belonging thereunto by
ther discent of this great grandmother the coheir of the
Lord Dacres, and Graistock : And on a hill from Graistoke
4 miles west : yow have a yonger branch of dalston of
Thaits a faire mansion house 250'' ^ an : his grandmother ;
daughter of Sqr Crackenthorp of newbegin in westm^'land
but I know not the now Lady therof This place was ancien-
tly called Hutton Raph : a younger branch of Hutton John.
Then yow come to Heskett a little manno^ house and
towne anciently belonging to the Buleys but nou sold to Sir
Wilfred Lauson who enjoys it.
And now I must goe up southward to Glencume Beck
that parts Cumberland, & Westmerland on the east ward
and presently falls into the great River Eles water or Bales
water for theirs the greatest gott in england : Thick as ones
arme They come forth of a tarne or meer on Top of mon-
taines : how long they stay in this Riuer : but naturall they
goe downe every August to the sea : and swim close by
the bothome of the water : so as no fflood carries them over
*Grimthorpe. Editor.
the dam set to stopp them ; and catcht in a nett by Mr
Huddston of Hutton John in great plenty, And them
that getts by becomes great Congers ; and a dainty sea-
And adjoynig to Glencone beck, Along this side south
of Eeleswater fine miles long and almost a mile brode and
great store of some Chars Trout and scellies in abondance
a very good fish oth the bignes of a heering : And heeryow
enter Cowbrey parks full of Redd and fallow deear : and so
vp to Matterdale : and two mile down yow have Cowbrey
hall : I think the eldest hall* in England of the Britons
making but an other at powley a little below I never saw
such another : And a great tract of six miles of numerous
substantiall tenents husbenmen ; all belonging to Graistok
Castle and has a monthly court kept there to recover ther
debts, and Trespasses.
And from Matterdale montaines comes Daker Bek :
Almost at the foote therof stand Backer Castle alone : and
no more houses about it : And I protest Looks very sorrow-
full, for loss of it founders in That huge battle of Touton
feild : And that totall Eclips of That great Lord Dacres, in
that Grand Rebellion with Lords Northumberland and
Westm^'land in Queen Elizabeths time and in the north
called Dacres Raide. And their an end of that name yet
let me say something for the fame thereof. That This Castle
is a very faire Ancient fabrike : 50 yards long and 40 brode
at every corner, a little Loging chamber built diamond wise :
That the great cann shott might graze and slant, and not
batter it : Three stories high : and now in good repaire by
the Right Honor^'^ the now Earle of Sussex : and Lord
Dacres ; His great great grandmother being heir thereof;
and he the owner therof which Lady was maryed to the
Lord fines A favorite of King Edward the 4th and so by
succession of heirs comes to this Tresgallant and Righ
Honor^'*^ and noble Earle : who I beleive Loues it well :
* Camp ? Editor.
and braue parke belonging theriinto : but the dear di-
stroyed and three manners Annext and many braue Tenents
answering at the court ther kept And now on the other
side the leaf I will giue yow the Rise of this Right Honor^^"^
family The first Lord Dacres from Docto'^ Dawes a
Learned Antiquary.*
Sir Humfrey Dacres Lord of this castle, and thes
Lands And the Barony adjoyning of Barton : purchased of
Lancaster Lord of Kendll : brother of the Earle of Lan-
caster (what more then this of Barton he had I know not :
but it seems an heroyick Chiualeir steeles The heir of Lord
Moulton of Kirkoswald and Nawward and GilsLand forth
of warrick castle the 5*^ year of king Edward the 3d and in
the g*'^ year of the same king had his ^don for marying her ;
and created Lord Dacres, and Moulton : In King Henry
the Eights Time The yong Lord Dacres ; steels the female
heir of the Lord Graistoke forth of Broham Castle besides
peareth ; wher the Lord Clifford had gott her of the King
for his sons manage : And therupon was the statute made
of felony to marry an heir : And thus became the Lord
Dacres decorate with all the hono^^ and Lands of the
Lord Graistok a very great Baron : but The now Earle
of Sussex Ancestor had married the female heir of the Lord
Daccres in King Edward the 4"^ Time, before the Lands
of Graistock came to the Lord dacres house.
And a little above Daker Kastle on Daker beck stands
Hutton John : An Ancient Sq^ family, and fair Tower
mansion, of Hutton : I have heard They could show
evidence of a squire Hutton Ther before King Edward the
Confessor : but Mr Andree Huddleston 2^ son of Sir Job
Huddleston of Millome Castle : maried Mary the daughter
and coheir of The : Hutton : whose mother was daughter
* Lancelot Dawes, D.D., of Barton Kirke, vicar of Barton, rector of Ashby,
prebendary of Carlisle. He died 165S. See Bishop Nicolson's Visitation, and
"Barton Kirke," by M. VV. Taylor, F.S.A., Transactions Curnberland &c.
Society, vol. iv, p. 399. Editor.
of Bellingham of Burnishead in Westm'^^land : and brought
vp with the Lord Pars daughter at Kendall whom That
King Henry the eight married : That Queen sent for that
Mary Hutton to be mother of maids of hono"^ And this Mary
huddleston was born at Court ; and Queen Mary : then the
yong princes her Godmother : I haue seen a peece of gilt
plate her Godbarn gift : And so this family was always
Catholicks and She grandmother to Mr John Huddleston
of the Queens Chaple : But his nevy Esq'' Huddleston
now owner of this Hutto John : a great protestant : so
as many more of the papist familys : Ther old Ancestors of
Queen Maryes time being dead and gone ; They flye to
Church as fast as can be : not one for looo'' papist in my
time and this estate 300^^ #- an : *
And on daker beck a little below going into heimont
riuer : yow have Daleman : an Ancient Squires house and
fair mansion : quondam Mr Laton : and somtimes Knigh*^
of Malta of it Long agoe Lately now come in the hands : of
Squire Warlope of Tamer feild (?) Yorkshire, by mariage of
Mada"^ Isabella eldest coheire Therof : 300^^ ^ an : +
And a little above two Large Villages: Nubegin, &
Stainton all of p'ish of Dacre wher ther is a fair Church
hard by the Castle and two ancient protrait monuments in
it : one the Ancestor of some of the Lords Dacres of that
Castle, The other a K^ of Malta lying cross Legt of the
Latons of Dalmaine, and anothergreat Towne called Soulby
of this p'ish and y*^ minister hath not ten pound a year but
almost lines of the p'ish benevolence : And two miles of yow
have Newton and Caterlen wher ther is a church at Newton
* A clock with a gilt face and ebony is preserved at Hutton John and is the
" peece of gilt plate " mentioned in the text. Editor.
John Huddleston (Father Huddleston) saved the life of Charles H at Worces-
ter, and administered the sacrament of the church to him on his death bed.
Father Huddleston was made superintendent of the Queen Dowager's chapel in
Somerset House, and died in 1704, at the age of 96. The county histories differ
as to his exact position in the Huddleston pedigree, but the forthcoming paper on
the Huddlestons by W. Jackson, F.S.A., will clear up the difficulty. Editor.
f Sir Edward Hasell purchased Dalemain in 1665, from the six coheiresses of
Layton. Editor.
but no better benefice And Anciently belongs to Sir Jobn
Lowther of Lowther, who hath a pretty dimisne and Lands
there called Sewborvvains, but the rectory and partonage
in the Bishop of Carelile and let by concurrant Lease.
Just in the midst of Cumbe''land 24*^ miles to west seas
at Workington & 20^ miles to Allan water eastward that
parts it from Northumberland, I come to Cumberland
Ward, in the south wherof, 20 miles from Scotland : and
in the head of the Ancient forrest of Englewood, is sceited
the ffamous Towne and hono'^ of Penrith : A very fine
Towne, & great markett and merchants for all kinde of
comodities : And a grand fair on Whitson Tuesday : And
every fornight Till Lamas ; for all things both horse and
cattle and well wolde sheep, and ewes & Lambs in
And in quondam Times a very fine Castle ; as walls yet
standing about the Court Expres : And cohort of horse kept
ther : And the great Earle of Warwick disdaind not to
be marshall Steward & captaine of thonro"^ (sic) of penrith
& villages adjoining, called in Queen Elizabeths Time The
Queen Hamms wher they have a Court monthly at Penrith
for recovery of ther debts & Trespasses : This Towne
being a free Towne for all persons ; which makes it more
frequented, none mans person can be arrested ; but his
goodes may : And is governed by a Marshall ; & Learned
Stewards of the Court : and both having 20*^ nobles fee,
and patents under Great Seal ; and a Bailife under them
And an ancient demisne belonging to the Castle of 200^^ #-
an. and late in the Queens jointure : but no gentry Resides
heer : but an ancient family of the Hottons of the Tribe of
Hotto John ; haue a fair Tower house, and mansion of A
noble knight and justice peace : Sir William Hutton : Elder
brother of the honest Judge Flutton of Golborouge in
Yorkshire borne here.*
*Sir Richard Hutton, justice of the Common Picas and fathcr-in-Iaw to Sir
Phihp Musgrave. Editor.
Heer is a very fair curch but vicarigh scarce 40'' 'lj>
an : Altho the Tithes of corne be 200'' li> an : and a little
from hence The little Tovvne of Carelton a fair house and
Ancient gentile family : from whence I thinke all the
fameous Carltons of England descended.
I was Told from Mr. Page himself: A stranger gentle-
man coming to the Crown Inn at peareth prayd his host
to get him oth discret M" of the Town to supe with him :
And he brought this Mr Page the Marshall or Steward : and
Scoolm"" The Stranger said he came to see the antiquities :
and drew forth a paper that said that Sir Hugh Cesario
lined in disert place in a Rocke ; a marshall man : like
knight errant : killing monster man & beast : The place
he lined in caled Isey perils, wher a little from thence is
3 vaults in a Rocke 100 may may live in : and he was
buried in the north side of the Curch ith green feild :
& they went to the Church and on the north side ther is 2
crosses distant the Lenth of a man one at head, and other
at feet And was opened when I was Scoller ther : by
William Turner & there found the great Long Shank
bones and other bones of a man and a broad Sword besides
fonde then by the Church wardens.*
And now I come to giue yow the bounder of this Ancient
forrest of Englewood : In the South begins at Heimont
Brigg of Three fair arches and a little village wher the
assise for WestmHand was kept in Edward 2'^ time in
Mayburgh Castle. The platforme remaining to be seen :
and a King Arthurs Round Table of 100 yards about and
ceits ; about for spectators ; and on each side a way for
Cheviliers to come on the Ronde Table : and break ther
Lances. t
And so from Heimont riuer Brigg the bonder of Engle-
wood forrest goes downe The said riuer of heimont some
f It is not impossible that the " strano^er sjentleman " was Camden. Editor.
* Plans of tliese earthworks by Mr. C. W. Dymond, are prepared for publica-
tion in the Transactions Cumberland and Westmorland Archaeological and
Antiquarian Society. Editor.
Three miles eastward falls into Eden full of fine Trout fish :
and so downe this famous river Eden north westward :
& upon the point of Thes Two Rivers : stands that fair
fine and bewtiful pallace of Edenhall orchards, and gardens,
but non of forbidden fruits and all fruits delicate, and
pleasant walkes as tine as Chelsey feilds ; The fair Riuer
Eden glyding like the Thames alonge ; The ancient man-
sion of that Renowened Cheueileir Heroe Sir Simond
Musgraue The great grandfather of the Trew Renowned
Trojane : Sir Phillip Musgraue K' Bronet (sic) Governo'' of
Carelile Castle Citye and Corporation and the contry
adjacent : whose grandmother was daughter of old Sir
Henry Curwen of workington : his mother the Lord
Whartons daughter: and the daughter, of S"" Rich Hutton :
judg of the comon pleas his wife late deceased. Richard
Musgraue his father a braue gallant was one of K'" oth bath
at decoring prince Henry : prince of Wales and after-
wards one of first Knigt Barone*'' of England,* Sir Philip,
musgraves father.
Then yow come downe along Eden Riuer by Salkeld ;
Lasenby villages Two fair churches in them at Salkeld the
Arcdeacon : but of no great valew : And so down the River
to the village of Armathwait The village and fair Tower
house of Sq Skelton of 300'' <{j> an : and his grandmother
daughter, of Senhouse of netherhall : his mother sister of
the said Sir Richard Musgraue K' Baron' And his wife
Lettice Birdett ; of the birdetts of warrickshire Late
* Sir Simon Musgrave.=Julian,
I d. of Elleker.
Christopher Musgrave.=Jane,
I d. of Sir Henry Curwen.
Sir Richard Musgrave, = Frances,
ist baronet. | d. of Philip Lord Wharton.
SiK Philip Musgrave.=Julian,
d. of Sir Richard Hutton.
deceased and The now Sq'' John Skelton hath to wife, a
daughter of Sq"^ Salvine of Bishoprick Durham.-'^
Then from the River inward to the contry ; vow haue
plumpton park now belonging to S"" John Lowther of Low-
ther : A many tenents & gentry frehold ther : This was
disparkt in Henry the eights time : And one Jack a
Musgraue a metled man gott a Lease of loo years of it :
And planted hue of his sones at hue severall houses in it
some 200^^ some 50'' ^ an etc. and many Tenents besides :
that Lease expired : the Earle of Arran begd it of King
James : and sold it to old Sir Jon Lowther : This Jack a
Musg. was so metled a man : as the Contry people wold
say, if they had a spirited boy y' he would even be a jack
of Musgraue.
Adjoining heerunto the Territories of thai; princlike pal-
lace of Sir Geog ffletcher P'lament man for this contry :
And is called button ith forrest A very braue monsir : great
houskep'^ hunter, and horsecowser, never wf^out the best
runing hors or Two the best he can gett : his grandfather
Si"" Rich ffletcher Eq'm arrt' : purchased this Hutton hall :
of Sq Lanclott Hutton And maried Barbara Crakenthorp
of newbigin in Westmorland, And Sir Henry ffletcher Kt
barone* his sone maried Cartherina Dalston, eldest daughter
of Sir Georg Dalston A Colonell in the kings warrs and
slaine, at Raising the seig of Chester : and now his sone
Sir Georg ffletcher first marries the Lord Coirains daugter
* The pedigree in Whelan's Cumberland, p. 339, does not agree with the text.
Lancelot Skelton. =Cathkrine,
d. of Thomas Dalston of
Dalston Hall.
Julian, =JoHN Skelton. = Barbara Fletcher.
d. of Christopher Musgrave. [ 4-
RiCHARD Skelton. =Lettice,
I d. of Burdett.
John Skelton. = Elizabeth,
d. of Gerard Salvin.
deceased : And since the Lady maria Johnston : daughter
to the Earle of Quinborowe, and Lord Jonston. an estate of
250^' ^ an :
Then yow come down northward still to Heskett a very
fair Church but small benifiec The Tithes all in huixters
hands : Though this Church be the Cristing and burying
place ; of a great many hamlets and villages round about :
And then yow have Wethereld Abbye A priory of Great
Account : and prior parke large Territories : a family of
gentry of Skeltons ther liuing : And the newbegin ; where
ther lined some of the fryers brethren : in a fair Tower house:
1 think belonging now to Mr. Graham oth Nunnery : And
now yow haue Coothill, Scotby, Carlton, Wragmire, Scot-
bie,herreby,bocherby: Aglionby, an Ancient Squires family
his braue mansion house in Carelile :* This Sq"^ Aglionby
an ancient Chiuileir family : now a Lawier, his Capitall
mansion fairest house & Recorder of Carlile : having long
agoe, removed their dwelling from Aglionby to Carelile but
2 miles of for more security & more comand ag' the
Scotts And so I come to Warwick briggs of fiue Large
Aarches {sic) ; and fair Towne and Sq'^ hall house at it and a
very fine salmon lishing : And his name Sq^ Warwick mar-
ried Mr Skeltons daughter of Amithawit who since I know
not : t but a good jest of old Laird Warwick in Queen Eliz-
beth time the The man I knew well : wold not stick to lend
a friend an oath for his advantage, and was a good marshall
man & comrad of moss tropers : And having committed
some notorious offence : was sent for to th Councill boord :
He like not to come there and be at Charges : And he
feignes himself sick : keeps his chamber : makes one of his
men make ready and his horse brought to the dore : The
sick Laird Getts A great Balk Jack full of bear And drinks
to his man : but he staid not to plegd him : for while the
*In Fisher Street, now the Mechanics' Institute. Editor.
f Thomas Warwick married Frances, daughter of John Skelton, and died in
1654 : his 2nd son Thomas succeeded him, but does not appear to have been
known to Sandford. Editor.
m'" was dnnkinf]^, the man gott upon horse : swore That his
m'' was sick he made oath at Councill horde, in p'ill of
death : if lie held (at black Jack) as he left him he could
not be alive : And so never came at Councill horde and that
served for his pearance & the busines dyed in a little time.
And now I come to Carelile That stands vpon the mouth
of Cadey Riuer and peterell going ther into Eden Riuer :
will goe vp south to the Spring head of peterall riuer : a
little above Graistock Castle sixteen miles miles south of
Carlile and first yow have Ther vpon Blencow; an Ancient
sq^ family : and one Knight of Late, Sir Henry Blencow :
grandfather of the now Sq"^ Blencoe : made it a very fair
house of two Towers, and married Grace Sandford sister
of the first Sir Rich Sandford of howgill in westmHand :
And a yonger branch of the Sandfords of Askam Tower
nye hand : and Crister Blencoe married Mary Robinson
of Rooby hall Yorkshire, and The now Sqr Blencoe
marries Anne Laton : Eldest daughter to Sqr William
Laton of dalemain : 300^' ^ an.*
And neer unto Blencoe is jonbie a fair Towne and hall
house quonda' The Musgraues of baton: and giue it to yon-
ger sone, whose female heir maries one Mr Wiuill of
Yorkshire who Lately sold it, to Mr Williams a Welshman,
came downe Steward of Graistock Castle and all the Lands
here belonging to the Late Earle of Arondell.*
Adjoining yow haue severerall (sic) villages : Lamanby,
AUandby, Skelton Vnthank all nye vnto Hutton, and be-
longing to S'"^ Georg ffletcher : And then yow have Sowerby
and then you have the Spearmen of Castle Sowerby t no
Castle now a Large Terretory of the Kings Tenents, and a
Church & p'sonage but of small valew : And so you come
to Seberme, a Church Towne to, but oth like valew.
* See a paper on these two halls and their owners by M. \V. Taylor, in Trans-
actions Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archseolog-ical Society,
vol. xi. Editor.
t Certain estates in the parish of Castle-Sowerby, known as Red Spears, were
held by the tenure of riding through Penrith on Whit Tuesday, brandishing their
spears. Editor.
And so To Squire Dentons of VVarnell ; a fair house and
estate, and Ancient famaly, Translated hither from Denton
Tower besides noward exchangd with Lord Dacres Long
agoe for this place : a learned Lawyer and 300^* ^ an.*
And so to highgate castle a pretty little Tower house ;
The owner Sq^ Chrtopher Richmond a very Ancient
gentile family ; and his father Mr Crister Richmond
married the sister : of Sir William Chater of Croft briggs
Yorkshire and This Sq*^ now liuing marries Mr. Vaux his
daughter ; an ancient Sq"" familie and branch of the Lord
Vaux of Gilsland maried the coheir of caterlen hall a faire
Tower house and Tenents : yong monsir Richmond liuing
ther marrie The daughter of Sir Wilfrid Lawson : an
estate of 300^' ^ an.t
Then yow comes to Blekhall an Large manno"^ and Lord-
ship of The Lord Dacres : And the ancient Sq'" family of
the Kirkbrides: Lord of Brathwait, and Ellerton, and many
finer houses, his dwelling at Howes and Ellerton, late
high Sheriff of Cumberland Two yeares together : his
grandfather Bernard maried Dorothy Dudley, of Yanwath
Hall: And Rich: Kirkbride his father, and Colonell in the
Royall warrs: married Mr Mayplates daughter a Southern
gentleman :'t and this Squire Barnard Kirbride marryes :
Sir Tymothy ffetherstons daughter : An estate 300^' ^ an :
West Adjoynig Sq"" Thomas Broham Ancient heir male
of all the Sq"^ brohams of broham hall in Westm"^ built
* Sir Thomas Uenton, recorder of Carlisle, married Letitia Vachell : portraits
in the Town Hall, Carlisle. Editor.
t See "The Richmonds of Highhead," Transactions Cumberland and West-
morland Antiquarian and Archseological Society, vol. ii, p. loS.
I 2 3
Anne Mayplett. = Christopher Richmond. = Isabella Clayton. = Eleanor Beidcy.
IMabel Vaux. = Christopher Richmond. = Magdalen Huddleston.
I 1 2 3 ^
Mary Lawson. = Christopher Richmond. = ? = Isabella Towerson.
X Edward Maplet was rector of Clifton and Prebendary of Carlisle, appointed
1584. He always signs as " Maplet " in the Dean and Chapter books. Editor.
a very fine house at Scalls : And lives there his grandfather :
Henry Broham maried Jane Wharton, daughter of Squire
Wharton of Kirkby thure Westm'land : his father Tho :
married daughter to Sq'' Daniell fleminig of Skirwith, and
cousin to Sqr ffleming Lord of Ridall and this Squir Henry
broham marryes faire Mrs Slee of Carhle a Joviall Gentle-
man ; and estate 300^'.
Then I goe to the Highest east part of Cumberland
and on the east part of the fair River Eden : Comes downe
from the hihgh (sic) montaine of Cross fell Blecnkerne beck :
parts Comerland And Westm'^land and Blenkern Tovvne
and Church there ; An Ancient Squir family of the Loughs :
but none of any great Eminency now : a very large p'ish
Golgath, Skirwith, Langanby ; The most famous horse
course Ther for a free plate on midsomerday yearly :
And The first founder thereof: Sq'' Richard: Sandford :
yonger brother of Thomas Sandford of Askame in West-
mHand, was bred vp with the Earle of Northumb'"land
Mr of This horse, and a braue Horsman : p'suaded the
Lord Wharton, And The Cheuileir Musgraues who had
braue breed of horses : And many of the contry gentry to
contribute to a prise of plate of 20'' yearly, and the
famous horse course of England, and Scotland ; the quon-
dam Duke of Buckengham had horse called Conqueror :
And the Earle of Morrayes wily horse ffox : runing heer
for 100^' but the Conqueror conquest him & won the
money : though the night before Ther was The Terriblest
blast was ever blowen : churches Towers Trees steeples
houses all feling The furie of the furies thereof for without
^adventure The diuell a stir whether of England or Scot-
land I cannot tell but the English horse got the prise : The
great ffores of woods was so blowen done cross the way
as we had much adoe to ride thorow them yet not so bad
a blast as vsurping Oliver had, when the deuill blew him
out off this world, God kowes (sic) whither.
Then yow have the Large p'ish of Adinghame The
pastor sceit at Salkeld a fine ^sonage of the patronage of a
college in Cambrige, Mr. Aglionby pJastor ther ; but an
impropriation the church standing at Glassonby and
severall Townes ; Camelsby : marwonby : and many other
hamlets belonging therunto And adjoynig an other little
p'ish of ousbie and a church ther: And another little
p'ish of newbegin and a church ther ; A very fair house
the Ancient Sceit and hall : of an Ancient knights family
of Crakenthorps two of which was slaine at Towton feilds
in Yorkshire on the side king Henry the sixt : this family
Lord of both the said p'ishes.
Then northward on the river of the said Eden : standed
the capitall Grand Castle of Kirkoswold : and very line
Church ther, and quondam a colledg : now the Braue man-
sion house of the Late Sir Tymothy ffetherstone Colonell
of the kings side ; taken at Wigan wher the late Lord
Wythrington was slaine : This Sir Timothy was Taken
prisoner; and executed by beheading at Chester; by the
comand of unworthy Colonell Milton thoug the said K*
had fair querf given him.
This great Castle of Kirkoswald was once the fairest
fabricks that ever eyes Looked upon : The hall 1 have
seen lOO yards long : And the great protraiture of King
Brute : lying in the end of the Roofe of this hall : And all
his succeeding successors kings of Great Britaine, pro-
trait to the waste, ther visage hatts, feathers, garbs and
habits, in the Roofe of this hall : now Translated to N award
Castle wher they are placed in the Roofe of ye hall, and at
the head thereof; and a very faire ancient monument of
the memory of the kings of Great Britaine are in all
England : An This Castle was the Ancient pallace : of the
Lord Molton marying the Lord Vaux his heir Lord of
Naward & Gilsland, and afterward of the Last Lord
Dacres : And now come by lineall discent to the Tres-
gallant° The Earles of Sussex : and Land adjoining and
many braue parks and villages beloning therunto.*
* For Kirkoswald Castle, see a paper by AI. W. Taylor, F.S.A. Transactions
yol. ii, p. I. Editor. '
In this Grand Castle I was some sixty years agoe, when
Ther was many fair Toures ; and Chambers : and Chapels :
and in the east end, of one behinde the Altar ther was a
Crucifix in the window with the protrait of Christ, and the
manner how he was crucified therupon : And a substantial!
subsibdy yeoman man Ther Askte me what picture That
was, and I told him, the picture of Christ Crucified : And
he said that he never knew so much of Christs Crucifying
and his dolorous death and sufferings & pashion.
So as we may hereby see : that pictures is most proper for
contemplation : The puritanicall and Jesuiticall practice of
mentall prayer : for we be more taken, and sensibly feeling
with the sight of any mans sufferings scourging hang draw
and quarte"^ then with either hearing or Reading thcrof.
On the east, a little from Kirkoswald yow haue Melberby :
an ancient Sq'^ hall house of the name of Threlkeld ; yonger
branch of Sir Lanclott Threlkeld of Threlkeld and fair
Towne and church Ther; and p'sonage some 60'' ^ an.
Now still northward yow haue Mr Grahames of the nunry
100^^ ^ an : and so along to anstable and Croglaine, fair
house Late Sir Charles Howards, now sold awaye : and so
to an other Crogline Cherch Towne : belonging to the Lord
Wharton : and so along the fellside to Carelaton, Cowinton
great Townes and Laird of Skarr hill, quondam a great
Conjurer : and on a Christmas day ith morne, he and his
people att a great haggis bagg pudden brekfast. The diuell
came and flyed away with pudden, and hous end &c and
next Hayton a Church Towne and p'sonage of 66^' ^ an.
Then yow come to Corbie Castle The Ancient Sceit of
the K" family of Salkeld, and now not one oth name Left
in 60*^' years And this sold by the Last Tho : Salkeld sold
to the Great Lord William Howard third sone of Tho : the
great Duke of Norfocke, and greatgrandfather to the now
Earle of Carelile, and grandfather of the now braue monsir
ffracis Howard a graet (sic) houskeper and hors courser. And
in all joviall gallantr expert : and beloued of all men ; and
Lord of this Corbie Castle his mansion house, and hath
many townes adjacent and estate 2000" ^ an, and his
mother sister to the Late Lord Wythrington and his
wife dauj^hter to one of famous familyes of the Gerards in
Lancashire, and so to Crosbic, and some other hamlets : I
come to say somwhat of Carelile.
Carelile is a very faire Cittie : and fairest walls of any
Towne in England : stands vpon the flux of two fair riuers,
Cawday, & peterell flowing into Eden just under The
walls of the Castle : a faire bridge over Eden of 5 broad
Arches, And the castle vpon a little Hill ; and fair prospect
Rampiers, Orchards and Gardens ; and fruits very early but
the Castle in no very great repair, but well fortified for
defence, and the heroyike Sir Phillip Musg. Gervero'"
therof makes a shift and somthing fornisht it for himself
and the garrison soldiers to Lodg in : and with S'' Tho :
Glenham kept it for the king a whole year against both
English and Scoth armies* And this a very Ancient
Bishops Dioces : and fair Cathedall church : dedicated to
the most blessed Virgin Mary ; a Dean, & Chapter of fower
prebends of 200^' ^ an a peece, and a braue quire of Canons
and Orgains Thervnto beloning : And The Bishop has a
faire house Through he Hue most part at Rose Castle, yet
comes for the most part every Sonday to preach heere :
yow have hear another little church of S* Cuthbert. And
vpon Stanwix bank beyond the bridg an other church, And
some houses : and two miles up the river The towne of
Rikarbie, and Scalbie Castle, and diuers petty hamlets &
. townes thereto adjacent somtimes the Lands of Sir Edward
Musgraue of Hayton but now solde To Mr Gilpin a quon-
dam preacher of the fatall p'lament and his wife Mr
Briskows daughter of Crofton brethren of confusion in
ther braines ; knew what they wolde not have but knew
not what they wold have if they might choose. t
* October, 1644 to June, 1645. Editor.
t The Rev. Richard Gilpin, rector of Greystoke, which he resigned in conse-
quence of the Act of Uniformity. He was afterwards offered, and declined the
bishopric of Carlisle, Editor
Now beyond Eden hij^h vnto the fells : yow have Alston
mooie in The head wherof springs the famous Riuer of
Tine and Runs downe Through the middle of Alstone more,
and by Alston more church but poore benefice Runs downe
through Northumberland and to the sea east ward below
newcastle, a great hauen Towen ; or Cittye Ther growing
no corne in this Alstone Moore but a rich grassing ground,
and great herds of cattle, and flocks of sheep, and the
Inhabitants a substantiall able people : and Baron Hilton
once Lord therof; sold them lately to Baronet Ratcif of
Dilston, and a little bejonde yow have Allan water ; which
runs into the Tine Riuer, And parts Cumberland and
northumberland on the east : and a little below Auston
church northward yow haue a faire house called Reiner-
home of a yonger branch of the Leard Whitfeild of
Whitfeild near ther unto in Northumberland And then
yow have Emsaugh, and backlough, wher some of the
Musgraue, one of them once called woode sword inhabited.
And Then come into northumberland wher the little riuer
powtrose parts it from Cumberland : we come to Gilsland
The riuer Erding coming downe Thorough it And many
houses Townes and villages 9 miles to naward Castle the
very fair, and pleasant mansion house of the Righ* Honor^'^
Earle of Carlile Lies Lowe, and a very warme contry and
pleasant woods gardens groves full of fallow deer feed on
all somer time ; braue venison pasties and great store of
Reed dear on the montains and white wilde cattle with
blak ears only ; on the moores : and black heath cocks and
brone more cockes : and ther pootes, a delicate dianty
feeding as pheasants and plenty.
But the Ancient sceit of this Gilsland was over the
water of Erding vpon a hill called Erdington towne and a
castle ther, and a house ther yet called Casteeds, wher the
castle stood ; And giuen by the great Lord meschins To
a Collonel of his : But Bueth the Lord of this Gilsland
wold not part with it willingly : but with Gillemont Lord
of Triermaine kept it with the swords, as Long as they
could ; and then fledd into Scotland ; and made many in-
roods continually witli moss Tropers : and many often killed
on both sides, so as they weary with continual fisting ;
began to thinke of a comprimise ; and a Triste (as they
call it oth border) and Time apointed for to agree tlier
feuds : The Enghsh monsir (I have forgott his name)
Traitoriouslye Laid an Ambush and killed Bueth : and so
kept Gilsland in quiet afterwards : but This traitorous
fact, and murder, Sitt so close to his soule, and conscience,
so much Trobled with greif of minde ; as he build The
Abbie of Leonard cost in a very pleasant place and gaue
Erdington, and all the Lands on the west side of Erdeng
water to the Abby Abbye {sic) now the fair mansion house,
and estate of Sir Tho : Dacres : his mother Mr= Saikeld of
Corby Castle; and his wife Sir Thomas brathwaits daughter
of warcope WestmHand 500'' ^ an.
Two mile west from n award yow haue Branpton : a
pretty markett Toune ; And church of 100^' Ip- an parsonage
and a fair court hall ; wher corte is monthly kept for
recovery of debts in Gilsland : And fair parks and full of
fallow dear: and downe along yow come to Askerton a
Tower house ; and a little from brampton yow have Come
Catch a good pretty hall house, of a branch of Mosgraue
of Hayton Castle who married fair Mabella Carnabie, (a ny
kinswoman To the old Lady Ogle the now Duke of
Newcastles Grandmother) who brought forth braue metled
musgraue Tom of Comecatch : who plaide many braue
planks in his life time and dyed in p . . . And so yow
have some fine Tovv'nes and hamlets To Bewcastle not
much worth the mentioning : but playd many mad pranks
in old time with there Moss Troping and Rank Theeves
both to England and Scotland and pretty Legends told of
them ; wherof I will give a true one over the leaf and so
to Beucastle.
Ther was alwayes A cap . . .
There is another page of the MS. which has been torn up the
middle and the piece lost. Apparently it contained Kinmont Willie's
escape from Carlisle Castle and some other things. Editor.
I SEE lately a Booke concerning serall grants, & demises of pts
& percells of the manno^'"* messuages, Lands Tenem*''' and
hereditaments of the right Honor'^^°ffrancis Earle ofCumb'land as well
within the fforest of Nycholl, and the manno^'^ of Authereth, Liddall
and Randelington, within the same fforest, and the debatable Lands,
Bewcastle & Bewcastle Dale within the County of Cumb'^'Iand as of
the Tithes of the Rectory of Kirkby thure with the Rents, boones
service and other things contracted by Roger Sotherbye Esq Cuthbe'"'
Curwen Clerke p'son of Arthurett his L'ps loving frinds : Stephen
Taylor, Andree Oglethorp gntle"""^" Georg Heles, and James ffookes
servants to the said Earle by vertue of Comission for demising the
Mannoi"® and Lands following —
Imprimis Nicohl fforrest : Randelington :
Rand Langtowne : Peartree.
Burnfoote : Rone Sand bede
Warfall : Crowdknovv :
Oversall : Langtowne
Skarbanck : Peth :
Granock hall : Mille Towne :
Redbanck : Mote Towne
Reddinge : Hyh Tree :
dowgill crooke: Baxtogill
Glendining: Eastowne
Rose Trees : plumpe
Midope : Mosband
ffoule hall :* ffowe towne
Bayting bush, and Kirkande^''
Gaurds mill hill
* Dcniisne Lands in his Lopps owne hands xxiij February 1C09.
Note in the MS.
Netherby : milles : ffaud :
Hewcaatle let to John Musgraue at 20" V an.'-
TherChefceiteatt Nytherby ; and planted ther Sons at these severall
places, many of them Hall houses and Tenents and Townes and doinge
service of Riding with there Lairds by Turnes : and shering plowing
and all other service, paying certaine rents & fines at ther incomes:
Rent geese, and henns : & many other deuties till this day: all
Starke moss Tropers, and stark Theves : both to England & Scot-
land utlawed : yet ever seen : because they give intelligence forth of
Scotland & wold rise 400 horse upon a Rade of the English into
Scotland at any time. The Leirds kept Themselves from Theving :
and a comon saying The father Toth plow ; & sone toth bough &
behanged and the mother v/olde say : fie ride, Rowlee, houghs ith pott,
when Last peece of bef was ith pott, Ride for more or dye. Late in
Queen Elizabeths time Jock oth peirtree had his brother in Carleil jale ;
ready to be hanged and Mr Salked Sheriff of Comberland lived at
Corby Castle his eldest sone in a side coate at the gate playing. Jake
oth Peirtree comes by; gives the child an aple and says " M^' will yow
ride " takes him up before him : carries him to Scotland and neer wold
part with him till he had his brother home, and safe from the gallowes
Sir Rich : Grame was a yonger son of Fargus Late oth the
Plumpe : Came on foote to London, and gott entertained into the Late
Grand Duke of Buckenghams Service: having some sparke of witt,
and skill in mosetroping & horse course : so as In short the Duke
made him M^' of his horse: & by consequence; M'" of the kinges ;
wherof the Duke was M^' and became a complete Courtier : and
he & eshburham all the servants the prince & duke had into Spain with
them : After the Dukes death bought all thes Lands of the Earle of
Cumbe^'land : build a braue house at Netherby and Bucastle : and his
grand child Sir Rich : Grame K*^ Baron* now enjoyes it 1500^' '^ an.t
* By Tradition ; two brothers of Montrose of the name of Graham came and
planted themselves here from Scotland in Edward the Seconds Time here in
England : and had all these Lands except Bewcastle. Note in the MS.
f All the above is an interpolation on the fly leaf to Sandford's MS., in Machel,
and not part of the MS. itself, as stated 2 B. & N. 466. It is in a different hand
to the body of the MS. in 6, Machel's collection, but not in Machel's hand, or
Bp. Nicolson's. Editor.
Abbey Holme, 31
Addincjham, 43
Aglionby, Mr., vicar of Adingliain, 44
, squire, recorder of Carlisle,
30, 40
Ainstable, 45
Allan Water, 47
Allerby Village, 26, 41
Alston, 47
Armathwaite, 14, 3S
Armorial Bearings : —
Briscoe, 30
Lucy, 15
Percy, 15
Askerton, 4S
Askew, Sir Hugo, 6, 7
Aspatria, 26
Ballington, Sir John, ofCrockdake, 27
Banks, Sir John, of Keswick, 13
Barwise, Richard, M.P. for Carlisle, 22,
23> 27
Bassenthwaite, 13
Bees, St., Abbey, 9, 1 1
, tradition of, 9
, extent of, 9
, Rock, iS
, School founded by Bp. Grin-
dal, II
Blennerhasset, C5
Blencarn, 43
Blencrake, 14
Blencoe, of Blencoe Hall, 25
, Sir Henry, 41
Crister, 41
Blacklough, 47
Blackwell, manor of, 42
Bolton Church, 2C
Bothel, 25
Boustead Hill, 30
Braiton, 26,
Brampton, 4S
Branthait, 19
Bride Bridge ( Bridle Bridge), 3
Bridkirk, 23
Brisco, of Crofton, 30
Arms, 30
Bromfield village, 27
Brougham Castle, 34
■ female heiress of
Greystok, stolen therefrom by Lord
Dacre, 34
, Rev,, of Brougham, 42
Brougham, Henry, 43
Broughton, 16
Burgh barony, 30
Buley, 32
Caldbeck, 2S
Calder Abbey, 3
Calder (Cavvdy river), 3, 30, 2S, 41
Camerton Hall, 16
Camp, British, 33
Cannonby village, 26
Carleton village, ■^'] , 40
-, all the Carletons of En-^iand
descended from, 37
Carelaton, 45
Carlisle, 41, 49
, bishop, 29
bridge, 46
castle, 46
— cathedral, 46
J St. Cuthbert's church, 46
, its garrison, 46
Castle Sowerby, 41
spearmen, 41
territory, 41
Castorstand, r
Catterlen, 35
Chaloners of St. Bees, 10
Chartres, 25
Christ's crucification, 45
, curious story of, 45
Cleator, 1 1
Clifton, 10, 17
Cockermouth town, 15
Colvils, the, 27
Coothill, 40
Copleys of Yorkshire, 5
Copper Ore, 12
Corf castle, 13
Corley castle, seat of the Salkelds, 45
Crackenthorpe of Newbiggen, 32
two slain at Tovvton
Field, 44
Cranfield, Susanna, intermarried with
Briscoes, 30
Craples Hall, 12
Croglin, 45
Crosthwaite parish church; 13
Culgaith parish, 43
Culwen, sec Curwen
Cumcatch, 4S
Cumerdale village, 30
Curvven of Camcrton, iG, 26
, Sir Henry, 10, iS, iq
Curwen, Sir Patricius, 2
J pedigree of, 20
, Thomas 3
Dacre beck, 33
•— castle, 33
church, 35
• lords, 32, 33, 42
monument there, 35
, Mr., 10
, rise of the family, 34
■ , Sir Thomas, 2S, 30
Dale head, 31
Dalemain, 35
Dalston, 2y
church, 29
Dalston, Sir George, 29, 39
, John, of Acorn Bank, 2G, 29, 30
, of Thwaite, 32
, Sir William, 29, 30
Dean, 19
Deer (fallow), 2S, 33
, hart, I
, red (Ennerdale forest), i, 33
stags, I .
Denton, George, 30
of VVarnell, 42
Squire, 25, 30
Derby, Earl of, 13
Derome, 23
Derwentwater, 13, 14, 15
, Earl of, 12
Dik-cs, Squire, ofWarthole, 19, 24
Distington, 19
Duddon river, 2
Dudley, Dorothy, of Yanwath Hall, 32,
Dun Mail Raise, 12, 31
Eamont bridge, 37
river, 35
Eden river, 2, 38
Egglesfeild, squire of Nether Hall, 23, 26
Egremont barony, iS
Elme river, 22, 23, 25, 26
Emshaugh, 47
l^^nnerdalc, i, 1 1
Eorest, 1 1
, ranger and bowbearer of, 1 1
Eeatherstone, Sir Thomas, (Colonel)
taken prisoner, 44
Fish : —
Char, 1 1, 33
Cockles, 2
Codiins, 4
Congers, 33
Eels, 32
Flounders, 3
Killings, (Kielings), 4
Salmon, 2, 4, 6,
Skellies, 1 1, 33
Trout, II, 33, 3S
Fleming, Daniel, of Skirwith, 43
^ of Rydal Hall, 4
•, Thomas, 3
Fletcher, Sir George, 14, 17, 39, 41
, Lancelot, 24
, Sir Richard, 3, 14, 2S, 39
, Squire, of Morisby, iS
Gamblesby, 44
Gerards, Lancashiie family, 46
German miners, 12
Gilcrux, 24
Gilpin, Rev. R., rectorof Greystok, 46
, characteristic story of, 46
Gilsland, 47
Glassonby, 44
Glencoin beck, 32, 33
Gospatrick, Colonel, 2, 17
Gowbarrow Park, 33
Graham, George, of Nunnery, 30
, of Nunnery, 40, 45
, Sir Richard, 27
Greystok Castle, 23, 3:
, Lord, 34
, monthly court held,
Grimethorpe, baron, of Greystok, 3:
Grindal, Bishop, 10
Grisedale, 32
Haggis bag, curious story, 45
Harby Brow, 25
Harcla (Hartly), Sir Andrew, 29
, Earl of, Carlisle, 29
Hard Knot, 5
Harrington, 19
Hartley^astle, 2, 29
Hasell, Sir Edward, of Daleman,
Hayton castle, 27
church, 45
Heimore, 14
Hesket, 32
church, 4t)
tithes, 40
Highhead (Highgate) castle, 42
Holme Cultrum abbey, 27
Hoptons, Lord, 13
Howard, I^ord, 45
iMancis, of Corby castle.
Howthwaite, 15
Huddleston, of Hutton
. John, 35 "
, pedigree of. 7
, Sir John, 7
, Sir William, 7
;■ tradition of this family, S
Hutton in the P'orest, 14, 39
Hutton John, 2-, 34
, i^ilt plate at, 35
, Mary, desc. from Mutton, of
Hutton John, 35
-, Sir Richard, Justice of Common
Pleas, 3, 36
— , William, of Penrith, 3, 36
liekirk, 27
Innerdale, i, 10, 1 1
Inglevvood, 36, 37
Ireby, 25
■ Church, 25
Ironworks at Millom, y
Ireton, of Threlkeld Hall,
, of Ireton, 11, 14
Isill, 14
Johnby Hall, 41
Keelinps and CodHsh, 4
Keswick, 12
■, Crosthwaite Church, 13
King Arthur's Round Table, 37
Kinmont Willie, 49
Kirkandrews Chuich, 30
Kirkbride, Barnard, 42
, Colonel, 42
, Squire of, 16, 42
, town and church, 30
Kirkoswald, 44, 45
castle, 44
church, 44
feathers, hats, garbs, visage,
portraits, &c., removed to Naworth,
Lam an by, 41
Lampley, .^ce Lamplugh
Lamplugh, of Lamplugh, 2, 11, 16
Langrigg village, 27
Lasenby, 3S
Latos of the Beck, 10
Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, 12, i^, 23,
32, 42
Layton, of Dalemain, 35
Leigh, 14
Lokey, 19
Fxrton, 12
Lough, the, 43
Lowes water, 1 1
Lowther, Sir John, 10, 3C, 39
— , Sir Richard, 14
Lucy arms, 15
Lord of Cockermouth, 15
Martindalc, James, 27
Marrying an heiress made felony, 34
Marwonby, 44
Matterdale, 33
Maybrough, assizes of Westmorland
held, 37
Mayplate, Edward, preb. of Carlisle,
Mayplett, Anne, 42
Melmerby, 45
Meschines, of Egremont, i, 15,
younger son of, S
Millom Beck Hall, S
Castle, 7
Miners, German, 12
Moncastle, 5, 1 1
Moneton, lord of Kirkoswald, 34, 44
Musgrave, Sir Edward, 14, 27
, Sir Edward, of Heyton Castle,
2, 14, 41, 46, 48
, Jack, 39
, Mabel la, 15
, Sir Philip of Edenhall, gover-
nor of Carlisle Castle, 2, 25, 3S
, Sir Richard, 38
, Sir Simon, 38
, Thomas, of Cumcatch, 15
, Sir William, of Crookdale,
25» 27
Naworth Castle, 44
Nether Hall, 4, 23
Newbiggin, 35, 39
Newton, 35
Norfolk, Uuke of, 30, 32, 43, 45.
Northumberland, earl of, i, 11,
26, 28, 33
14, 15.
Offa, 9
Orpheur, 24, 2G
Osmotherly, 27
Otherside, 26
Ousby, 44
bridge, 14
Owton, 28
Parr, Lord of Kendal, 35
Patrickson, John, of How, 3, 1 1
Pennington, of Muncaster (Thorncas-
t.'e)' 5 . . .
Penrith Antiquities, ^7
castle, 36
church, 37
- — — fairs, 37
free town, 36
government of 3G
— Sir Hugh Cesario,
monuments, 27
town and manor, 36
Petteril river, 32, 41
Pettington, 5
Pickering, of Crosby, 31
Pickering", of Thiell<eld, 31
Plumland, 24, 2'i
Plumpton park disparked, 39
Ponsonby, of Ponsonby and Hale, 11
Porter, Joseph, of Weary hall, 16, 26
, Joseph, pedigree, 26
Queen Hames, 3G
Radciiffe, 12, 24, 47
Ratclif of Dilston, r2
Raven, 5
Ravenglass, 5, 10
Redmond, Matilda, 14
Rent, 17
Richmond, Christopher, of Highhead
castle, 42
Rickerby, 46
Rose Castle, 29
Roseley fair, 28
Rottington hall, to, 17
Salkeld, of Corby Castle, 45.
, of White hall, 24, 25, 26, 38
Sands, Bishop, 10
Sandford, lidm., 5
, Grace, 43
, Sir Richard, of Howgili, 41.
Sawtcr, 1 1
Scaibie castle, 27, 46
Scales hall, 43
Scarr hall, 3
Scotby, 40
Scott, iMichell, a conjuror, 31
Seascale, 4
Seaton, i, 6, 17
Sebergham, 41
Sella park', 3
Senhouse, Ur. Bp. of Carlisle, 4
, pedigree of, 4
, Squire of Nether hall, 4, lO,
-, of Seascale hall, 4, 22
-, steward of Holme, 28.
Skelton, John, 3S, 39, 40
, pedigree, 39
, Thomas, 19
Skiddaw, 13, 2S
Skerwith, 43
Sockbridge, 10, iS
Soulby, 35
Stainburne, 19
Stainton, 35
Stanwix, 40
Sty Head, 12
Sussex, earl of, Dacre Castle, 3J
Swinburn, of Howthwaite, 15
Tallentire, 24
Threepland hall, 24
Therby, 3
Threlkeld, 31
hall, 31
, Sir Lancelot, 31, 32
, of Threlkeld, 45
, of Melmerby, 45
Thursby church, 30
• village, 30
Torpenhow, 25
church, 25
Tyne river, 47
Uldale, town of, 26
Ulleswater, 32
Unthank, Skelton, 41
Vachell, Letitia, 42
Vaux, of Catterien hall, 4:
Wabberthwaite church, 5
Wample river, 30
Warcop, of Smardale town, 29
Warwick, of Warwick bridge, 40
Wearie hall, 26
Wetheral abbey, 40, 43
Weydup, 14
Wharton, lord, iG, 19, 28, 43, 45
Whitehall, 25
Whitehaven, 9, 18
Williams, steward of Greystok, 41
Williamson, Sir J., 13
Wigton, 28
Windebank Lady, 25
Wivill, of \'orkshire, 41
Workington, lordship of, i, 14, 17, 19
\^' rag mi re, 40
Wrightington, of Wrightington, 4
, Senhouse, 4
Wybergh, of Clifton, 10
Wytheburn, 31
\Vytheringl:on, lord, 4O
Wythrop, 14
Yanwath, 32
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